Malone’s Fate – Haven Texas Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 103356 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 517(@200wpm)___ 413(@250wpm)___ 345(@300wpm)

About ten minutes after Maddox had found them, Tanner had gotten an anonymous message telling him where he could collect Lilac. He’d raced there with Butch and Raid, uncertain whether she was alive or dead.

Yeah, she understood why he was so upset.

Lilac wrapped her arms around him as he continued to drive himself inside her, coming with a muffled groan. Her clit pulsed with the aftereffects of her own orgasm, and he rolled them over until he was on his back with her on his chest.

She didn’t know how to get him to see that she was all right now. Yeah, Stefan was dead, and she’d seen it. Yes, everything had gone to crap. But she was okay.

In the end, she’d only told Tanner and Alec the truth of what happened on that plane. She didn’t want to talk about it and break Donatello’s trust. If that’s what it had been. They’d agreed that keeping that to themselves was best.

She’d moved into the bunkhouse with Tanner. They had plans to eventually build a house on the Ranch, but for the moment she didn’t mind the bunkhouse.

Ryleigh and Opal were living in the main house with Alec and Mia. Although Opal was making noises about moving into a house in town. It would be closer for her job, even though Alec had lent her a Ranch truck for transport.

She wouldn’t be surprised if Ryleigh went with her. If her brothers let her. They’d kicked Linc off the Ranch as soon as everyone had been discharged and gone home. But he now visited the Ranch all the time. Much to the Malone men’s dismay. She’d had to talk Tanner out of shooting out his tires.

They were all very protective.

Case in point, the man sliding out from under her to go take care of his condom. When he returned, he tucked her into his side under the covers, kissing her forehead.

“I’m not going to break, you know,” she whispered to him.

“I know.”

Lilac sighed. She’d tried to talk to him about this, but he wouldn’t listen. “You still owe me several spankings. We should get started on those.”

“I’m wiping the slate clean.”

Damn. She never thought she’d be disappointed about not getting a spanking.

“I love you, Tanner Malone.”

“Love you too, baby. Go to sleep. You need your rest.”

Right. Because she’d been doing little else these past six weeks. Maybe it was time to get her life back.

“You sure about this, babe?” Opal asked as she pulled up and got out of the truck, handing over the keys.

“Yep. Thanks for meeting me down here at the gate.” They were at the entrance to the Ranch. Opal had finished work early today so she could get home and hand off the truck she was using to Lilac.

“All right, but when Tanner and Alec find out I helped you, I’m offering your ass up for a spanking.”

She grinned. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

Opal grinned back. “That’s my girl. Go catch hell.” She slapped Lilac’s ass as she climbed into the truck.

Lilac rolled her eyes. Then she drove into Haven and into the parking lot of Dirty Delights.

Time to get her job back.

“Please, Devon,” she begged.

“Nope. No way. I am not dealing with an angry, possessive Tanner Malone when he comes in here.”

And he’d likely be here soon. Would he have seen her note yet? She hadn’t wanted to scare him, so she’d left a note telling him where to find her.

She’d just wanted to give him a bit of a nudge.

“I need this job.”

Devon pointed at her. “No.”

“Just for an hour?” she asked.


With a sigh, she sat at the bar. “Fine, can I have a beer?”

“You driving?” he asked.


“Then no.”

Her mouth dropped open in outrage. “I can have one beer and still drive!”

“Not if you’re getting a beer from here, you can’t. You’re too small to not be a lightweight.”

That jerk!

And she’d actually put on a little weight. A tiny bit, but she was getting there. Of course, she had lost some weight after Stefan’s death so, basically, she was back where she’d been before he’d taken her.

She was considering talking to someone about everything, though, because it was still a struggle to eat. And sometimes everything would just come over her, making it hard for her to breathe.

All right. Perhaps she was a bit fragile.

But she could handle anything Tanner threw at her.

“What you can have is this.” Devon plopped a bowl of fries in front of her.

She sighed. She’d only eaten a couple of fries when she felt him enter. Even though her back was to the door, she knew it was him because everyone went silent.

Turning, she could see why.

Oh, crap.

Perhaps she hadn’t thought this through. Getting to her feet, she looked around wondering if she could run.

But then he was in front of her. And suddenly she was flying through the air before she landed over his shoulder.


