Malone’s Fate – Haven Texas Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 103356 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 517(@200wpm)___ 413(@250wpm)___ 345(@300wpm)

“Hmm, not even a piece of chocolate?”

“Noo!” she cried as he slid his fingers lower, pushing them inside her.

She needed more. Wanted him to move. To drive her over that edge.

“Guess it’s for me, then. Turn your face around.”

It was a slightly awkward angle, especially with his fingers in her pussy, his palm against her mound, holding her down. But as with anything, Tanner made it work. With his other hand, he grabbed her chin, holding her still as he kissed her.

It was filthy. Hungry.

She could taste the chocolate on his tongue as he fed it to her.

Maybe it should have been gross.

But it was hot . . . so freaking hot.

“Good girl,” he murmured. “You’ve always got to eat your dessert. And now it’s my turn.” He slid his fingers free of her pussy and she watched as he held them up to his mouth, licking them clean.

Her breathing quickened, a small whimper escaping.

“Take off your jeans and panties, then spread your legs wide.”

She rushed to comply. She was meant to be going down on him, but if he wanted to eat her out first . . .

Well, who was she to complain?

He took off his shirt, revealing his muscular chest. The lean cut of his hips. Those delicious creases cut into his hips.

And then he positioned himself between her legs.

Perhaps she should have been back at the house, plotting and worrying about Stefan.

But Tanner was right. She needed some time to relax. To remember how to have fun.

So, she lay back on the blanket on a hill on a ranch in Texas and let her man eat her out.

And it was fucking amazing. He started slow and soft. As though he had all the time in the world. His fingers pressed inside her, moving back and forth. Faster and faster as her cries filled the air. He sucked on her clit before running his tongue over it. Then with his tongue moving rhythmically against the swollen bud, he sent her flying.

But he didn’t stop. He kept going, moving his tongue faster, his fingers curling to find that spot. And to her shock, she flew up into a second orgasm. Or was it just a continuation of the first one?

She didn’t know and didn’t much care. By the time he’d slid his fingers and tongue away from her pussy, she was a mess. She watched through half-lidded eyes as he licked his lips, then cleaned his fingers.

That was so damn hot. Then he lay on his back and drew her lifeless body onto his chest.

Dead. She was dead.

“Poor baby, are you tired, now?” he crooned, rubbing his hand up and down his back.


Then she stiffened. Wait. Was this all part of some plan?

Drawing back, she looked down at him.

“Wanna have a nap?” he asked.

Ooh, it was. He just wanted her to sleep. Well, she’d teach him.

“Nope. I’m hungry.”

“Yeah? Want some more food?” He sat up with her in his lap.

“Nope. It’s your turn to lie still and let me play.”

He eyed her for a long moment. “I don’t know if you’re feeling up to that, baby.”

Oh, that was his plan? To tire her out because he thought she wasn’t up to sucking him off?

She so didn’t think so.

“I feel better than I have in ages, and I know what I want. Are you going to tell me no?”

Lilac would stop if he said no. And when he shook his head, her heart dropped.

It’s not a rejection.

“There’s no way I could tell you no,” he told her.

Huh? Wait. That was a yes?

She smiled at him.

“But if you get tired or dizzy or feel sick, you stop at once.”

“I promise.” Her hands were trembling as she undid his jeans. He sat up and helped her strip him naked, then he drew her onto his lap, his hand wrapping around the back of her head as he kissed her.

Drawing back, she pouted. “I thought I was in charge here.”

“My baby wants to be in charge?”


“All right, then.”

She wasn’t sure if she believed him, but she slid her hands down his chest, touching all of him, running her fingers over his nipples. Then she bent down to suck on them.

“Fuck, yes.” He clasped the back of her head again, guiding her to his other nipple.

“Tanner,” she scolded.

“Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.” He drew his hand away and leaned back on his hands.

Okay, she guessed that was as much surrender as she’d get.

“Suck my dick, pretty girl.”

So bossy.

But that was what she wanted anyway, so she decided to oblige him.

Moving down between his legs, she licked the head of him, humming in pleasure. This wasn’t something she had much experience with. She’d only slept with one guy while they were on the run. And she hadn’t really enjoyed it. It had been more about defying Stefan than anything else. His precious sister was no longer untouched.


