Malone’s Pride – Haven Texas Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 111359 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 557(@200wpm)___ 445(@250wpm)___ 371(@300wpm)

Yeah, he didn’t need to say it because it was worrying Raid, too.

He took another step up, and Jake got in his way.

Anger flooded Raid, though he tried to hold it back. He was generally pretty easygoing.

Until someone threatened someone who mattered to him.

But he held himself in check because he knew Jake wasn’t trying to hurt Hannah.

“Get out of the way, Jake.”

“I’ve known Hannah for years. She’s one of my citizens, but she’s also a woman on her own. And it doesn’t make me happy that I don’t know what’s going on. It has Molly worried, which I like even less. So sometime in the next forty-eight hours, I want to know what it is that you know.”


“Look, what I know is that she was dating a guy.”

Jake nodded.

“And she moved away to be with him too quickly. She stopped talking to her friends, sold her house. When she came back, she was different. Jumpy, remote.”

“Right. And you don’t know the reasons for any of that?”

“No. But I will.”

Jake eyed him skeptically. Raid braced himself. Knowing what was likely to come.

“I’ve seen all your brothers find their women and settle down . . . sort of. I was starting to wonder if that would ever happen to you and Tanner. I just hope you know better than to toy with her.”

“Again, I’ll forgive you for insulting me because you care about her. But don’t do it again, Sheriff. Hannah is mine. I take care of what belongs to me.”

And those words completely cemented it.

Hannah would be his.

Now that he’d fully made the decision, he could breathe easier.

It felt right.

To his surprise, Jake just nodded calmly. “That’s what I was hoping you’d say. Don’t look so shocked. Most of you Malones are a pain in my fucking ass. But I know that when you find someone you care about, you protect them. Just take care of Hannah. I’m going back to the office, but call me if she won’t let you in. We’ll have to go in by force.”

Raid nodded. But he wouldn’t be making that call. If anyone went in by force, it would be him.

Hannah stared at the news playing on the TV.

Con man arrested in Alabama.

Was it him? Had he finally been caught?

Con man tries to steal thousands of dollars from a woman in Montgomery, Alabama.

She trembled, her stomach rolling.

Is it him?

She felt faint. Like she was going to pass out.

Yeah, you already did that, remember?

God. That had been humiliating. Every second Saturday, she worked mornings at the clinic in reception. When she’d seen the news report come on and had stood suddenly—she hadn’t been sure whether to hide or run and be sick. The next thing she knew, she’d woken up with Jenna leaning over her, looking concerned.

Please, let it be him.

Deep down, she knew she should have told Jake what had happened from the beginning. But Steven had scared her into not even confiding in Haven’s sheriff. Plus, she didn’t want him to know what an idiot she’d been. How she’d been duped.

It had all been so frightening and embarrassing. And with the way things tended to happen in a small town, if she said anything, then everyone would soon know.

What if it is him?

Her breath came in sharper pants and she moved to the sofa and sat, unable to stand anymore.

A knock on the door made her jump. She rubbed at her chest as her heart went into overdrive.


She’d thought Jake had left. She felt awful for leaving him out there, but Jake had a way of getting people to talk to him. Hannah guessed it was a good talent for a sheriff to have.

She was too vulnerable and scared right now. She couldn’t shore up her defenses enough to deal with him.

If it was him, was her nightmare partly over?

Her phone kept buzzing with more texts coming through. She quickly gathered her courage and turned it over, glancing down. They were all from her friends, including Jenna. Even Doc.

Everyone was worried about her. She was surprised that she didn’t have more of them turning up on her doorstep.

Maybe they’re finally sick of you. Perhaps they’ve had enough of you treating them how you have been and they’re giving up.

Stop it.

She needed to stop this. She was working herself up when there was no need to.

Her friends loved her. They’d been trying to get through to her and she kept shutting them out.

You only need me, sweet Hannah. Those friends of yours just use you. How often do they expect you to do everything for them while giving you nothing in return?

They take, take, take.

All you need, sweetness, is me.

Lord, she was going to vomit.

Hannah rushed to the bathroom as another knock sounded at the door. She ignored it. She heard someone talking, but her hearing was muffled.


