Midlife Woes Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 69170 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

Later that evening, since Jonathan, her husband, was out of town on business, Sheila and I decided to go out on the town. “Where the hell are you going dressed like that?” I walked back into the bathroom from the walk-in closet to put the finishing touches on my makeup, completely ignoring him.

He followed me in like the rube that he is and started grumbling at me, knowing damn good and well that I hadn’t said a word to him in English since I found out about his affair. I kept adding more lipstick to my already red lips, spritzed myself with some come-and-get-it, and sailed out the door, making sure not to touch him since he’d planted his ass in my way. Probably have cooties.

I knew he would be on my ass, but I had one more trick up my sleeve. I waited until he was right there behind me with his shit and picked up my phone to call the third party in our little outing. “Pressy, you ready?” Now, Pressy is Anne’s Daddy, short for Preston. You see, he left his wife a couple of years ago because she screwed her way through half the town, and he found out. That apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Something else about Pressy? He’s always had the hots for me since middle school. Of course, it was just a childhood crush that he’d grown out of, and we’d joked about it here and there when the kids became friends, and neither of us was low enough to cheat on our spouse. But hey, he’s free, and I soon will be; why not?

I’m not trying to date the poor man. Unlike my husband, I wouldn’t cheat on my vows, but Pressy has always been a friend, and since he’d moved away for a while and was only now back, I thought it would be fun to catch up.

Oh, who am I kidding? I wanted exactly what happened to happen. Kevin damn near had an aneurysm after I hung up the phone. “You can’t go out with Preston Thorpe. I forbid you…. I’m talking to you; get back here.” I didn’t hear anything he said after that because I’d walked out the door and closed it.

He pulled it open almost immediately, and Sheila was there, ready for his ass. Now this county is a carry county; the state says concealed, but we don’t play that shit around here. We wear our merchandise for all the world to see. So’s, you know that if you run up, you might get done up. When he saw her grand pappy’s big old ugly shotgun, and she pulled back the chamber, he skidded to a halt in the doorway while I kept heading down the stairs to her red Mustang convertible.

“Ooh, girlie looking good. I ain’t seen your tits since college.” I have to find saner friends. But she ain’t never lying. It’s been a while since I wore anything like this. Not that I dressed like an old frump, mind you. But a mother of four shouldn’t be caught dead in the knee-length floral number with the neckline that came down to my navel.

The damn three-inch heels made me feel like a NYC hooker, but they did wonders for my calves. I felt and looked like a young twenty-something, and there was no shame. A mother maybe shouldn’t dress like that, but a new divorcee sure the hell could. And no matter what that withered-nose asshole judge says, my divorce was final the day my husband told the eighteen-year-old that he loved her.


Well, that damn Preston went and turned himself into a thirty-five-year-old hot dad. I’m not kidding. He looked a good ten years younger than the forty-six that he is, a whole year older than yours truly. I had to keep myself from staring because the last time I saw him was a little after his divorce a few years ago, and he was looking a bit rough then.

That damn Sheila kept side-eyeing me as if she was afraid I would hop on the poor man’s dick right there at the bar. I think she’d lost her G-D mind, or she must think I’d lost mine because she knows me better than that. Not while I’m still married to that snake, but once the ink dries on the divorce… well, I just might buy a ticket to the Ho train. I’d have to ask his ex-wife and daughter where the depot is.

Now, the reason Preston was invited tonight was so that I could break the news to him gently before the grapevine got ahold of the story because, unbeknownst to Ratface and the asshole judge, I wasn’t about to waste a whole six months of my life on this stupid reconciliation that I am positive ain’t about to happen.


