Mindy – The Nurturing Center Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 33327 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 167(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

Now that Mindy was on her own and had found a club where she felt more at home than anywhere she’d ever been, she realized there were men like that. They were called Daddies. She just hadn’t found the right one yet.

There were Mommies too. She knew that. There were also Little boys. Not just girls.

Mindy was careful not to smudge her nails as she rubbed her palms on her thighs and squeezed her legs together. She stared at her nails as she thought about Eva Jacobs. She’d met her at the junior college, and the two of them had become fast friends.

Mindy suspected Eva was also Little, though they’d never discussed it specifically. What they had done one afternoon when they’d been studying together in Mindy’s kitchen was kiss.

It hadn’t been planned. It had just happened. They’d been talking and admitted neither of them had ever kissed a boy—or a man for that matter—and they’d decided to see what all the fuss was about.

Unfortunately, Mindy’s mother had arrived home from work at that exact moment and walked in on the experiment. She’d lost her shit so badly that Eva had quickly packed up her things and left.

Mindy had stood in the kitchen, reeling from both the kiss and the shock of her mother’s outburst, and listened to the long lecture for over an hour.

Something had snapped inside Mindy that day. She’d been twenty years old. Not a child. Sure, she’d known she was Little, but her mother hadn’t. And her being Little hadn’t changed the fact that she was a grown adult.

Her mother had gone on and on about how Mindy’s life was ruined, how she wouldn’t support such an abomination. In the end, she’d given Mindy two choices: seek counseling to get her head fixed or move out.

Mindy had never interjected a single time. She’d stood stoically absorbing. There hadn’t been a single question in her mind what she would do even before the ultimatum. She’d needed to get out of that house. The toxicity of her mother had pushed her over the edge.

She hadn’t even been sad as she’d gone up to her room and packed her bags. She’d taken only her most prized possessions and clothes. Nothing else had mattered to her.

She’d wanted to leave that house and go as far away as possible without looking back. She’d known she would never see Eva again. All she’d been able to do was concentrate on escaping the negative environment so she could salvage what might be left of her self-esteem.

Armed with nothing more than the stash of babysitting money she’d kept hidden in a maxi-pad box, she’d descended the stairs of the only home she’d ever known.

Mindy’s mother had looked stunned when she’d come back downstairs carrying her suitcase and a duffle bag. Mindy had walked out the front door without uttering a single word and never looked back.

The entire incident had nothing to do with Mindy being gay. She had no idea how she’d felt about the kiss with Eva. It had been brief, and she’d never had an opportunity to process it. She hadn’t had anything to compare it to. It had been nothing more than lips touching lips.

That hadn’t been the point. The point had been that her mother was a judgmental biddy who had driven Mindy to the end of her rope and then some. Mindy had been tired of being ordered around and told how to think and feel. She’d been sick and tired of being proper and having manners.

Ironically, as she chuckled at that last thought, Franny stepped into her line of sight. The girl’s face was streaked with mascara and her cheeks were bright red. So were her eyes. She’d been crying for a while.

“Mindy,” she whispered. As she cleared her throat, Mindy noticed Mason standing behind her.

“Go on,” he encouraged.

Franny swallowed. “I’m sorry for bullying you. I want you to know it’s not about you. I’m naughty because of me. I shouldn’t have taken your toy, and I shouldn’t have made fun of your hair. It’s a super pretty color. I’m jealous of it.”

Mindy was shocked, but she remembered her manners. “Thank you, Fran…cesca.” She even managed not to call the normally mean girl Franny. “I accept your apology.”

Franny sobbed and turned to run from the room just as Tricia returned.

“Goodness,” Tricia said, glancing at Mason and then Mindy.

Mason turned toward Mindy. “Thank you for being so gracious, Little one. Francesca truly is sorry. I don’t think she enjoyed the cane I used on her naughty bottom. You shouldn’t have any problems with her bullying you in the future. Hopefully she has learned that when she needs a spanking, all she has to do is ask. Acting up and treating other people badly won’t get her what she wants.”

Mindy nodded, dumbfounded.


