Mister Gregory Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 168
Estimated words: 153571 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 768(@200wpm)___ 614(@250wpm)___ 512(@300wpm)

Listening to her tell LAPD what she overheard inside the house, I wanted to kill Guerrero right then and there. Feeling the way her body trembled long after she'd given her statement…the only thing that's kept me from going after them is her and the fear in her eyes anytime anyone but me tries to touch her.

As soon as she's out of harm's way, they're mine. Even if I have to tear the entire fucking city apart to find them, I will.

I think Finn knows it too.

Livingston isn't here to keep an eye on Mila. He's here to give Finn a heads up in case I leave. My boss isn't stupid. He knows damn well the only way he's going to get Guerrero alive is to beat me to him.

I don't give a fuck about the house. I can replace everything in it. But his people were planning to kidnap Mila. They damn near killed her when they set the house on fire with her inside.

Finn better pray to God he gets to them before I do.

"I need to tell you something," Mila whispers again, and then bites her lip, worry creeping through her gaze.

"What, baby? You can tell me anything." I run my hands up and down her back, trying to ease her mind and give her a little comfort. She's been so fucking brave through this entire thing. I'm in awe of her and that strength of hers.

"I forgot to reset the alarm when I got home," she says.

"Fuck the alarm," I mumble. Even if she had set it, that wouldn't have stopped them, and I don't want her blaming herself. None of this is her fault. "They still would have burned the house down, baby. Things like alarms and deadbolts don't stop people like Guerrero. They don't–"

"That's not my point. Listen," she says impatiently, pressing her fingers to my lips to silence me.

I bite my tongue and nod.

"I forgot to set the alarm because I was worried about something else." She fidgets above me, her gaze sliding away from mine and then back. She takes a deep breath and then exhales. "I'm late."

"For what?" I feel my eyes narrow and my lips turn down into a frown, not sure where the fuck she planned to go at almost nine o'clock at night on a Tuesday.

She swallows hard, her green eyes dancing away from mine and then back again like she's afraid to meet my gaze. "I haven't had a period since before you got to Santa Cruz, Roman," she whispers, her voice so soft, I barely hear her.

"You haven't―" My breath leaves my lungs in a strangled rush as understanding dawns. She's late for her period, and not just by a couple of days either. I've been inside her damn near every day for the last month straight.

Jesus Christ.

Every thought in my mind vanishes all at once, leaving me completely speechless.

She stares at me like she's terrified I'm going to flip out.

Part of me wants to do exactly that. Not because I'm pissed at her or because I don't want this or because she said anything wrong, but because she was minutes away from dying in a fire, and she may be carrying my baby.

My baby.

Jesus Christ, Mila may be pregnant with my baby.

A thousand different emotions roll through me simultaneously—fear, excitement, worry, awe. Hope. I slide my hand down her body, splaying it over her stomach, just imagining my baby growing inside her. As she worries her bottom lip and stares at me, I want her pregnant with my kid so fucking badly, I can taste it.

"You're pregnant?" I whisper, my voice choked with a swell of emotion.

"I don't know," she whispers back. "I bought a test, but they broke in before I could take it."

"Jesus," I mumble, trying to slide her off me to get to the call button so we can find out for sure.

"I was going to call you," she says in a rush. "I know Tahani's mom didn't tell you about Tahani, and I wanted you to be there with me when I took the test. I thought you'd want to be there. I wasn't trying to hide it from you."


"I'm on birth control," she blurts out. "But we haven't ever used protection, and I was on antibiotics. The timing is right. I promise I was taking my pills."

"Mila, stop talking."

She snaps her mouth closed, tears filling her eyes.

Christ, she's killing me.

I jerk her back into my arms and kiss her hard. She resists me for a brief moment and then kisses me back, wrapping her arms around my neck and clinging to me. I kiss her until she's trembling in my arms, and then I pull back.

"I'm not mad," I tell her.


"But you need to pee in a cup, baby."


"I want babies with you."


