Mr. Spencer Read online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 155
Estimated words: 156029 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 780(@200wpm)___ 624(@250wpm)___ 520(@300wpm)

“Well, I’ve never been called that before.” He chuckles.

“There’s a first time for everything.” I smile as I sip my tea.

“What are you doing now?” His voice has dropped to a sexy, playful tone.

“I’m sitting at my kitchen bench in my pyjamas with a face mask on, drinking tea.”

“Good grief, woman. Lie to me.”

I giggle. “Okay.” I pause and try to think of a good lie. “I’m on a yacht.”

“Yes,” he whispers.

I try and stop myself from laughing. “I’m sailing through Croatia. The sun is setting, and I can hear the water lapping at the side of the boat.”

“Yes,” he purrs.

“With my husband.” I smile.

He makes a buzzer sound. “Wrong lie. Try again.”

“What lie are you hoping for?” I chuckle.

“Something along the lines of you being naked and thinking about me.”

My eyes widen. “Oh, that one.” God, he’s fun. “Well, you have to ask me again.”

“What are you doing now, my beautiful Charlotte?”

The sound of him calling me beautiful makes me smile. “I’m taking a bubble bath.”

“And?” I can tell he’s smiling.

“Drinking champagne.”

“Are you lying back against the edge?”

I get a vision of myself naked in the bath, drinking champagne. “Yes,” I breathe.

“Is your hair up?”


“Is the room full of steam?”

I feel arousal start to tear through my blood stream. “Yes.”

“What are your legs doing?” he whispers.

I swallow the lump in my throat. God, this man makes me think naughty things.

“They’re open, my knees touching the sides of the bath,” I whisper.

He inhales sharply.

We stay silent as we both picture the setting; my sex begins to pump.

“Have you ever touched yourself while you thought of me?” His voice is husky, aroused.

I cringe. “Yes,” I breathe. He could make me orgasm just by talking to me like this.

“I’m going to call you tomorrow night at 9:30, angel, and I want you in the bath, naked with your legs wide open so we can continue this conversation.”

My eyes widen.


“Do you understand me?”


Silence hangs between us.

Eventually, he replies, “Goodnight, angel.”

I press my hand on my chest as I try to control my breathing. I don’t want him to know how much he turns me on with his voice alone, and I most definitely don’t want to get off the phone. I want to play more games tonight.

“Goodnight, Spence.”

We both wait. I just want to ask him over to my place, and I know that’s what he’s waiting for.

Not yet.

“Goodbye,” I whisper, and I force myself to hang up.

* * *

Beth’s eyes nearly bulge from their sockets while she sucks her straw. “What do you mean, lie to him?”

I shrug and laugh. “Just what I said. I told him I had pyjamas and a face mask on, and he said lie to me.”

“Oh, this guy is fun, I like him.”

The two of us are at dinner and I’m filling her in on the latest Spencer gossip. I hate to admit it but I have been wearing a goofy grin all day…. the man makes me giddy.

“So, tonight, you have to be in the bath when he calls you?” she asks.

I shrug. “Apparently.”

She smiles broadly. “Get in the bath and ask him to come over to wash your back.” She chews her food. “With his dick.”

We both laugh out loud. “Can you imagine?”

“Do you reckon it’s big?’

I giggle and snort my wine up my nose. “Beth?’

“Seriously. He’s so over confident, he would have to be packing heat.”

I laugh myself into a coughing fit. “Packing heat?” I cough. “Who the hell says packing heat?”

She puts her finger up. “I do.”

I laugh and shake my head, and then she falls serious.

“Go home, get naked, and get into a big hot bath then wait for Mr Size Thirteen to call.”

I raise my wineglass in the air, and she clinks hers against it. “Mission accepted.”

* * *

The room is filled with steam as I lie back in the deep bath. I’m so aroused, I might orgasm when the phone rings… and right on cue, it does.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Are you in the bath?” he asks seductively.

“Yes,” I breathe.

“Are your legs open?”

Just get straight to the point, why don’t you? My eyes close. I’ve never had anyone talk to me like this before. It’s insane.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Run your fingertips down over your stomach.” I can tell he’s already aroused too.

“Did you call to talk dirty to me, Mr Spencer?” I tease.

“Shut up and fucking do it.”

“Is that filthy mouth of yours always so bossy?”

“Angel, you have no idea.”

I smile and I dust my fingers down over my stomach.

“Tell me what you feel?” he asks.

Oh God…

“My skin.”

“Is it soft?”


“Lower.” He exhales.

I drop my fingers between my open legs.

“Circle your four fingertips over your clitoris.”

I shudder, because just hearing him say that heats my blood. No man has ever spoken to me like this. I do as he asks, and I close my eyes to let the pleasure take over.


