Not So Merry Memories Read Online Meagan Brandy

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Novella, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 29345 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 147(@200wpm)___ 117(@250wpm)___ 98(@300wpm)

Arianna smiles, tucking her hair behind her ear as she leans closer. “This place is seriously beyond anything we ever expected, Noel. Truly.”

A knot forms in my throat, and I nod my gratitude, unable to speak the words, the praise from her so overwhelming I can’t simply snap right out of the compliment.

She’s the woman, the very essence of everything Blue Mountain Memories. To know she’s blown away makes me want to bawl and dance and bawl some more.

“So, um…” She rubs her palms on her leggings. “I know it’s not my place, and I know you’re trying to enjoy your morning, but—Mr. Dominion!”

My muscles freeze and I slowly lower my feet to the ground, shifting just slightly to peek at him out of the corner of my eye.

My mouth waters instantly.

It’s been a long, long time since I’ve seen the man in anything but a suit, and he looks absolutely divine in nothing but a pair of red track pants and a solidly fitting, white long-sleeve.

I’d bet he looked like a deity in nothing at all, but I didn’t allow myself to indulge, though I felt the deep cuts of his stomach and the tight coil of his muscular arms as they braced at my sides.

Heat spreads in my stomach, and I swallow.

“Good morning, ladies.” His eyes find mine, searching, narrowing in on the crimson creeping up my cheeks as I swiftly look away.

A hidden smile tugs at his lips, but he hides it behind the mug in his hands and joins us without invitation. His body purposely brushes mine as he squeezes by, leaning a hip against the corner of the glass as he looks out at the children playing below. “It’s beautiful out here, isn’t it?”

“It is, and actually… this couldn’t be any more perfect.” Arianna smiles shyly, looking between the two of us. “I would prefer if my husband was with me, but being as I don’t know if I’ll get another minute with you both this weekend…” She trails off, rubbing her lips together. “I was told you didn’t want to talk business while here, and I thought that was really cool, but in the off chance someone gets to you before you’re back in the office, can I steal two minutes?”

Anxiousness wraps around me, and my eyes fly up to Roman’s as his palm subtly meets my back. My attention returns to Arianna. “Yeah, of course.” I do my best to smile. “Is everything okay?”

“Oh!” She frowns, realizing my unease. “No, yeah. It’s perfect, and that’s sort of it.” She looks between us. “This place is literally perfect. Noah and I didn’t really know what to expect when you asked for permission to use our story as inspiration for your project. We were more than honored you wanted to create something like this, but we had no idea what you would turn it into. I mean, the tiny details in the room we picked and how you incorporated us into it without knowing which we’d choose. We… never expected that.”

My features soften as it dawns on me. “You chose the preschool room.”

It’s not a question, her wistful expression says it all, her eyes glossing over as a gentle smile forms on her lips as she shares, “When my son was born, we got him the same little plush football Noah had made after my accident, so when he ran up and showed us the exact one from the chest of toys in the room, I…” She swallows, a brighter smile forming, this one reaching her eyes. “He was so happy he wouldn’t have to share his with Lori for the weekend.”

Both of us chuckle, allowing a moment of silence between us.

“Thank you,” I speak softly, trying to calm my nerves waiting for the but.

“I don’t know if you’re aware, but our entire family joined us this morning. The second they checked in, we toured all their rooms, and everyone purposely chose a different memory or theme, and oh, my gosh!” She laughs. “Mind blown.”

Roman squeezes my shoulder right as my exhale leaves me, and I smile wide at the woman before me. “That means more than you know, coming from you.”

She beams. “I don’t want to take up any more of your time; plus, I hear my son down there causing havoc, so I should probably go, but before I do…” She trails off, taking a deep breath and glancing over the railing at her family once more before looking back to me. “Noah and I would like to offer every penny you’re looking for from investors.”

My eyes bulge, my lungs refusing me air. “I… what?”

“We’d also like to pay off any loans that got you to this point.”


She giggles at my struck expression. “We feel the passion, and we want to be a part of it. I think together, us simply silent support but equally passionate and dedicated, this place would have the best chance of staying exactly what you’ve created it to be, a literal dream vacation spot. I know how much it means to you, and we want to be a part of making sure it stays that way. When there’s this much love put into something and coming from two people who clearly love each other just as much, it’s going to be incredible.”


