One Reckless Summer – Palate Teasers Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33324 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 167(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

“Daisy.” I reach down, taking her hands in mine, lifting her from her knees, tits swaying with each step as I walk her toward the bed. “Time for sleep,” I grunt, the words sticking in my throat as the confusion and disappointment in her eyes becomes my shackle of guilt.

I fling the bedding back, hoping I can last one more minute, one more test, as she slips between the flowered sheets. “Lay with me…Daddy.” Her whisper is a soft order I can’t refuse. “I don’t want to be alone.”

How this girl is ever alone, I can’t puzzle through. “My clothes stay on, but I’ll stay,” I say as the alarm bells and sirens scream in my head.

I cover her, tucking the bedding around her making sure there’s another layer between us, then lower my massive body onto the bed, listening to the frame and the springs struggle under my weight.

I’m thankful that we both seem to realize talking isn’t what either of us needs right now. Jesus, how I want to give her what she gave me, but I’m already so far over the line, I may never find my way back. If I taste that sweet pussy, it will break me.

Her light breathing turns heavy, as I stare at the stained glass light fixture over the bed replaying every second since the moment I walked into Earl’s and set my eyes on her.

I lie like that until I lose feeling in my hand and I really need to piss. As much as I am enjoying being in bed with her, nature calls.

I ease my arm out, allowing myself this one last night of indulgence before I go back to camp, back to my new life, leaving the memory of this night and the girl in the bar I only know as Daisy forever.

I take slow, easy steps toward the bathroom door. As I walk by her suitcase, I see it.

There, folded in the clothes of her open suitcase, is a lime green t-shirt. Nobody would choose that shade of green. I know nothing about fashion, but I know that. I told Ted when I took the job as Camp WanderLust director that I’m not wearing one, and he reluctantly agreed, knowing when I say I’m not doing something, I’m not fucking doing it.

I reach down, tugging it out from the other clothes and turn it over, and sure enough, there on the front is the camp insignia. With a name printed above.

Summer Greer. Counselor, Summer 2024.


Chapter Five


Ibury my head in the pillow, hazy details of last night trying to break through the pounding hangover fog.

I remember big boots.

Big brother?

Green eyes. Beautiful green eyes.

And a face that’s taken some hard hits but is somehow in its own way…beautiful.

I wanted to kiss him. I wanted him to kiss me. I smile remembering him telling me to drink water, that I’d had enough alcohol. Bossy. A bossy, strong, safe man and—good God.

There were blow job shots.

Then, a blow job and I don’t even know his name.

I try to open my eyes, but the world is a horrible mix brightness, discomfort and disbelief.

“Ow, my head,” I complain, flattening a hand over my face in an attempt to block out the sun that’s decided to be up so damned early…


“Shit. Shit, shit, SHIT.” I throw off the comforter, as I turn to see the red glowing numbers of the digital clock on the bedside table. “Shit!”

Kicking away the sheet that’s wrapped itself around my feet, I half fall out of bed. The floor feels like it’s moving under my feet, throwing me off balance. My clothes from last night are scattered like confetti, and with no time to find clean ones I scramble for anything within reach.

Where the hell is my shirt?

As I frantically search, I spot the note, folded neatly so that it stands like a tent on the dresser. Little Sister, is written in black ink, in rough, thick letters.

He could have done anything to me. I wonder if he did… And if he did, whether I’d mind. Maybe, but only because I want to remember it.

I open the paper, lay it on the table next to my bag, reading as I grab at the closest pair of shorts and shimmy myself into them.

First, I want you to know that I didn’t touch you after you passed out.

You didn’t make it easy though. You were teasing me even in your sleep.

Your cherry is still 100% intact.

There’s a bottle of water here, I want you to drink all of it as soon as you’re awake. And I’ve also left you a carabiner. It might not seem like much, but it almost killed me once, and I don’t know… I just always kept it close as a reminder of how quickly things can change. It’s all I have to give you, to let you know I think you’re special. One of a kind.


