One Steamy Pucking Meet Cute (Frosty Harbor #3) Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Frosty Harbor Series by Penelope Bloom

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 80562 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

Jake lifts Walker up, and I think he’s about to put him back in the crib. But when he’s holding him, Walker reaches up and touches the gold chain around Jake’s neck. Jake pauses, watching as our baby holds his necklace and starts to shake it around. He smiles down at Walker, cradling him a little tighter as he seems content to stand there and watch.

My heart is melting, but I keep pretending to be asleep.

Jake bounces slightly on his feet like he’s giving it a try. Walker’s play with the necklace slows down over the next few minutes while Jake holds him. Eventually, Walker drifts off to sleep, and Jake sets him down softly in the crib. He glances at me, notices my eyes are open, and straightens suddenly like he was just caught.

He rubs the back of his neck, chuckling. “How did I do?”

“Amazing,” I say.

“He’s a pretty cool kid.”

“I don’t think I’ve seen him stop crying before he got his diaper changed before. That was impressive.”

“Well,” Jake says as he gets himself back on the couch. “If he’s going to be my pretend son, I guess I can try to teach that little barbarian some manners, right?”

“Right,” I say, yawning. I feel a little twinge in the back of my throat like dry hairspray and cringe. I had better not be getting sick. I haven’t been sick since having Walker, and I’m not even sure how single mothers are supposed to deal with that. I put it from my mind, even though I can also feel a little stiffness in my shoulders and neck now that I’m paying closer attention to my body.

“Just let me know if he needs another change,” Jake says. “I don’t mind helping.”

“Thank you,” I say. “But really, you don’t have to. I’m able to do this on my own.”

“I know you are. But I want to help. So, get over it.” There’s a playful edge to his voice that makes me smirk.

I close my eyes again, and I’m hit with a wave of disbelief. I’m in a hotel room with Jake Summers and we’re playing at being mom and dad together. I know I should keep the secret, but I’m also worried I’m going to spill everything to Mia and Andi once I get back. Paisley, though? I think she may have to be on the outside for this one. I love the woman, but she’s a touch too wild when drunk and might just spill it by mistake.

I try to imagine Andi and Mia’s reaction to all of this. They would lose their freaking minds. My amusement fades when I think about what’s at stake, though. If this somehow goes wrong, I could lose my bed and breakfast. It’s still hard to wrap my head around that.

I wonder how long I’ll have to wait to hear from Jake’s lawyer. Maybe we’ll find out the whole thing was bullshit from the start–Peter never had any grounds to threaten the bed and breakfast in the first place. If we did, I guess Jake and I would just… call this whole thing off. He’d have to cancel the ring we ordered yesterday.

And I’d have to pretend I wouldn’t be a little sad to see this cut short.

There’s no point in lying to myself. I’m enjoying these glimpses of what my life could have been like if things were different–seeing what Jake would have been like as a father and partner.

I sigh, try to shut off my brain, and close my eyes tighter. Sleep, Caroline. Go to sleep because Walker is already scheming his next wake-up, and it will be sooner than you want. That’s the one guarantee of motherhood.



Igroan as I sit up in the hotel bed. My throat is on fire. My shoulders and neck ache. My head hurts. And Walker is crying.

“Just a second, Walker,” I croak. I fuzzily remember getting up a few times to feed him after Jake changed his diaper. I felt worse each time, but I was trying to use the power of denial to fight it off.

There’s no use denying it now, though. I’m sick.

I look toward Walker’s crib and realize he’s not there. I have a split second of disorientation before I remember where I am. I’m in a hotel with Jake Summers, and he’s changing Walker’s diaper for me.

I rub my eyes and flop back to the pillows. “Thank you,” I say once I’ve pieced the situation together. I can feel the sluggishness of my thoughts. It’s as if each one is dragging a heavy anchor in its wake.

“Yeah, no problem,” Jake says. He gives me a serious look. “You don’t sound so good. You feeling alright?”

“I’m good,” I say. “Great.”

He frowns as he scoops Walker back up, fresh diaper already on. He chucks the dirty diaper in the trash. “You don’t look great. No offense,” he adds.


