Our Final Tale Read Online Bella Jewel (Iron Fury MC #6)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Iron Fury MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 76396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

“We could, Slater,” Malakai says, meeting his eyes, “but if we fuck it up, it would be the end of her. We need to be a hundred percent sure when we go in, not just go off halfcocked. If we do that, she’s more likely to get hurt.”

Slater grits his teeth, tenses his jaw, but nods.

“Now, Ellie, try and do everything you can not to aggravate him. Withdraw if you have to. If you feel him getting aggravated, back down. We’ll come in as soon as we’re sure he thinks he’s safe. He’s a smart man, he didn’t keep you for that long without great thought. Which means if he even suspects it’s a set-up, anything could go wrong. So, you need to act as closely to what you did before.”

I nod. I feel sick, so sick. But I’m keeping it together.

I’m also strong.

I know that now.

These people have taught me that.

Which means I need to take this with everything I’ve got left, so I can make sure this part of my life is sealed firmly shut.

“When you do come in...what if he freaks out and does something to hurt me?” I ask.

“When we come in, he won’t get a chance,” Malakai says, his voice hard, his eyes locked on mine.

A promise.

He won’t let anything happen to me.

“Slater is fuckin’ top with a gun,” Koda says, grinning. “Can promise you one quick shot at the sign of danger, and that piece of shit won’t get the chance to lay a hand on you. We don’t have to be close to take him out.”

I swallow.

I didn’t know Slater was good with a gun, hell, I don’t really know anyone who is that good with a gun.

“Have my eyes on you the whole time, Ellie. Won’t fuckin’ turn them away for a second,” Slater says, his voice gruff but determined.

“Okay,” I say. “Well...then I guess it’s time to end this...finally.”

Malakai nods, and stands. “Will be in touch with more. You can go home with Slater today, but try not to talk about it with anyone, just in case he’s listening.”

He starts exiting the room, followed by everyone else except Slater.

“Malakai,” I call.

He turns and stares at me.

“Thank you.”

He nods. “You’re family now, darlin’. We die for family.”

My heart expands so much I can’t even manage a smile.

But he knows how grateful I am.

He knows.

When they’re gone, Slater comes and sits beside me. I turn towards him and he stares at me, and the look in his eyes tells me he’s worried. It’s written all over his face.

And I don’t blame him.

I’m worried, too.

“If I lose you again, Ellie, I won’t fuckin’ deal...”

“You’re not going to lose me, Slater. I won’t let that happen. Neither will Malakai. But mostly, neither will you.”

His jaw clenches, and he nods, sharply.

“When this is over, takin’ you to a cabin we used to enjoy going to. I want to spend one moment of my life with you, just like we used to. Without all of this hangin’ over our heads. Will you come with me?”

I smile at him. “Of course I’ll come with you. If it wasn’t for you, I never would have found my family.”

He wants to say something, but he doesn’t. I know it’s because he wants to tell me if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have ever lost my family.

But I don’t want him to say that.

Because that isn’t how I feel.

And he shouldn’t have to live another moment of his life suffering because of a silly mistake that paved the road to hell, for both of us.

“Just think,” I tease. “We get to have another fight. Those are always fun.”

His mouth twitches, and one day, damn, one day...he’s going to smile at me.

And he’s going to mean it.

God knows, we both deserve it.



“You lied to me!” I scream, running out the front door of Slater’s house.

He follows me, close behind, and man, he looks pissed. If I didn’t know we were faking it, I’d be scared right about now. He needs to take some serious acting classes, because he is in the zone, there is no way anyone looking wouldn’t believe that this was a real fight.

“I didn’t fuckin’ lie to you,” he barks, following me out right into the middle of the front lawn. “I just didn’t fuckin’ tell you.”

“Tell me?” I laugh bitterly. “Tell me that you’re the reason I got taken, that I missed out on ten years of my life!”

“Knew you’d never fuckin’ talk to me if you knew, Ellie. But I fought every fuckin’ day to get you back.”

“Oh, you’re such a liar!” I yell, throwing my hands up. “Such a fucking liar, Slater Knight!”

His jaw ticks, and man, this is intense. I’m panting, because regardless of the fact that it’s a fake fight, the yelling is getting my adrenaline pumped up, and I’m feeling it, hard.


