Our Way Free Books Read online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 163
Estimated words: 164828 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 824(@200wpm)___ 659(@250wpm)___ 549(@300wpm)

We arrive at the check-in counter. “Hello,” Nathan says to the ticket lady.

She’s blonde and beautiful, and her eyes drink him in as she looks him up and down. “Hi.” She smiles. “How can I help you?”

“I would like to check us in, please.” He says in his deep velvety voice.

“Sure.” She tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear as her eyes linger on his face. It’s obvious she’s quite taken with him. I stare at her, deadpan. I’m used to women flirting with Nathan. I make fun of him for it. But now it’s different.

This time, it’s pissing me off.

“You’re going to Majorca.” She smiles as she types our details into the computer. “It’s beautiful there, have you been before?”

“No.” He puts his arm around me and pulls me close, as if sensing my annoyance, “We haven’t.”

Her eyes flicker to me as if only now remembering I’m here.

I force a smile.

“I’ve been a few times,” she says as she types. “It really is something special. The beaches are to die for.”

“I’m excited to get there.” Nathan’s eyes glance over to me, and I force another smile. Towering over everyone, he’s wearing a white linen shirt that hangs over his broad shoulders, along with fitted blue denim jeans that are tight in all the right places. His sandy hair is messed up to perfection. He casually puts down his Louis Vuitton suitcase on the conveyor belt. Everything Nathan owns is top of the line; he doesn’t do cheap.

The machine flashes up the weight. “It’s light,” she purrs.

“I won’t be needing many clothes.”

Her eyes rise to meet his and she smiles sexily.

“It’s hot there,” he reminds her.

She remembers I’m here again and turns back to her computer. “Of course.”

Damn it, why does he have to be so charismatic? Nathan Mercer has two modes: bossy and cranky mode, which is super-hot, or swoony and smooth, which is double fucking hot.

No wonder she’s perving at him. He’s damn delicious.

This is just great. I’m starting a relationship with the world’s most gorgeous man. I mean, I already knew women flocked over him, but this is just another reminder, I guess.

I’m going to have to get used to it. I know it shouldn’t bother me but it kind of does. A little annoying voice whispers a warning in the back of my mind. He’s never been with another woman. When he gets so much attention from them, will he ever get curious?

Stop it.

She hands over our tickets. “Here you are, two business class tickets to Majorca. Your flight boards twenty-five minutes before departing at 11.00am.” Her eyes hold his. “Have a great time.”

“Thank you.” He smiles.

“Bye,” I say.

“Goodbye,” she replies as she looks down at her computer.

I stare at her, deadpan. Where’s my eye contact, witch?

Nathan takes my hand and leads me toward the door. “You won’t be wearing many clothes?” I scoff. “Are you serious?”

“What?” He frowns.

“Could you be any flirtier?”

He stares at me as if shocked and then breaks into a swoony smile. “Eliza Bennet, are you jealous?”

“No,” I snap.

He chuckles as we walk through the door into the check-in area.

“I don’t get jealous,” I snap.

He turns to me and picks up my hand to kiss it. “Okay.” His eyes hold mine as a trace of a smile crosses his face.

“Don’t tell any anyone that you won’t be needing clothes again.” I smirk, amused that my annoyance has been exposed.

He chuckles, leans in, and kisses my cheek. “Yes, dear.”

“And don’t patronize me.”

“Yes, sweetheart.” He turns and pulls me along.

“You’re doing it now. Saying yes, dear, and yes, sweetheart, is patronizing, Nathan.”

“Eliza, shut up,” he says, putting me firmly back in my place. “Is that better?”

I giggle, there he is, the cranky man who doesn’t listen to me ramble. “Yes, it is, actually.”

“Okay, noted.”

“What’s noted?”

“Eliza, shut up is now code for yes, dear.”

I giggle as we walk along. This is kind of fun, getting to know each other in a new light. We have so much to learn.

We walk down through security, and then out into the airport lounge. We stand and look around, a little at a loss on what to do. We’ve got three hours to kill.

“We should celebrate,” he offers.

“The bar?” I ask, surprised. It’s 8:00 a.m.

He takes my hand and pulls me toward our favorite bar. “It’s five o’clock somewhere.”

I stare out of the window of the plane with a goofy smile on my face. Nathan is reading his book with his hand on my thigh. Everything just seems so natural between us.

This is happening. This is really happening. Nathan and I are actually doing this.

He looks over and notices my stupid face. “What?”

I lean in and whisper, “Can you believe this?”


“This.” I gesture to his hand on my thigh. “You know, you and me… naked and shit.”

Surprised, he tips back his head and laughs out loud. “You have such a way with words.”


