Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

Mo was enjoying the attention of an elderly woman as her husband waited patiently nearby. Once Mo saw me, he hurried to my side.

“He is a beautiful dog,” the elderly woman said.

“And an attention seeker,” I said with a chuckle.

The woman smiled. “Handsome and sweet, who wouldn’t adore him.”

“Bikers.” Amy and I laughed in unison and Mo barked once the woman and husband entered the shop, then we got in the truck and headed to the diner.

“So, you didn’t find anything in the book that helped?” Amy asked.

“The photos don’t show the spot where Ian and I discovered the body, though it did make me curious about the Willow family. I really need to get back there and see what I may have missed. There must be a secret entrance and exit somewhere in it. How else could the guy have gotten out of there? If I get inside, I may be able to find out where it is.”

“Did you forget what Dan told you… private property. Unless you know a member of the Willow family, you’re not getting back in there.”

I grinned.

Amy poked me in the arm. “Tell me you are not thinking what I think you’re thinking.”

Mo stuck his head between the two front seats from the back and growled low.

“He even knows what you’re thinking and warning you against it,” Amy said. “And what about Ian? He won’t approve.” Amy gasped. “Your dad! He’d have a fit.”

“You are being overly dramatic.”

“I am being sensible, something, at times, you have trouble doing.”

Amy often scolded me when she thought I was doing something foolish, purely out of love of course, and as always, I defended myself. “I didn’t say I was going to do it.”

“I know you, Pepper Euphemia Madison. Once you get an idea in your head, there is no stopping you.”

“It would be a last resort, after I exhausted all other options,” I explained.

“I’d like to see you convince Ian and your dad that you were left with no options but to engage the help of Damian Stone, motorcycle club leader, to get you into his family’s mausoleum.”


“It’s just a thought and a last resort,” I said, after explaining to Ian that we might need Stone’s help getting back into the Willow Mausoleum. “He would have to have proof that he had the right to enter the mausoleum.”

“I can see why you would consider it, but it is too early in the investigation to go that route,” Ian said. “And if by chance it becomes the only thing left to us, you won’t be going alone with the biker. I will be going with you.” He rested his nose to mine. “Promise me.”

His lips were too close to ignore, so I kissed him. “I promise. Besides, I wouldn’t want to hunt for a secret passageway in a mausoleum with anyone but you.”

“I am looking forward to it,” Ian said.

While Ian got busy uncorking a chilled bottle of chardonnay, I popped a bag of popcorn in the microwave. It was movie night, and Rear Window, 1954, with Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly was the headliner, a tension-filled film we both enjoyed.

“Do you know if any design plans for the mausoleum exist?” he asked and handed me a glass of chardonnay.

“Amy is going to check with the Willow Lake Historical Society and see what they might know. Dan told me that the mausoleum’s records reside with the church, so I’m going to talk with Reverend Herbert and see if he would be willing to let me look at the records.”

“Both good places to start,” Ian said, grabbing a bowl for the popcorn that finished popping. “Do you think this biker guy is telling the truth and he is a descendant of the Willow family?”

“Claiming to be a descendant of the Willow family isn’t going to be enough. He’s going to have to prove it to gain entrance and with how confident he sounded about being a relative of the Willow family I’m thinking he may have proof.”

“Who presently holds the deed to the mausoleum?” Ian asked.

“I believe it’s the church, but Reverend Herbert can probably tell me since he has the records. I intend to call the church tomorrow and see when the reverend is free. I could let you know, and you could join me if you’re available.”

“That would be great, Pep,” Ian said.

“Also, I meant to tell you what Kate told me.” I told him about the two hooded sweatshirt guys who bought The History of Willow Lake book within a short time of each other.

“That’s odd,” Ian said.

“Too odd to be a coincidence.”

I held onto my wine glass while I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and Ian carried the bottle of chardonnay and his wine glass to the living room where we settled ourselves on the couch to enjoy the movie.


