Pepper the Biker & the Vanishing Body Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 97032 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“You’re Ian Macgregor,” she said, her hand going to rest at her chest.

“Guilty,” Ian said with a smile and reached his hand out to her.

I was relieved when she took it and held it tightly since the woman looked like she might collapse.

“I have all the books where you’re on the cover.” A sudden smile lit her face. “Would you consider signing a couple and perhaps I could get a picture or two with you? The women in my book group are not going to believe I met you.”

“I would be only too glad to sign your books and to take pictures with you. We could see to that while my friends from the Willow Lake Historical Society review the documents in question. We have the papers showing⁠—”

“Don’t worry about that,” Winifred said, waving away any concern. “I trust you.”

Amy took out an envelope from her large purse and held it out to Winifred. “Our documentation for your records.” She smiled. “And I have all the books Ian’s on the covers of as well.”

Winifred released Ian’s hand and took the envelope. “You’re a romance aficionado?”

“Amy is the queen of romance aficionados,” I said proudly.

“We must talk,” Winifred said eagerly, then sighed. “Though I fear there will be no time for that today. You must leave me your number. I love meeting and talking with fellow romance enthusiasts.”

While Amy and Winifred saw to adding each other’s numbers to their phones, Ian leaned down and whispered, “Romance does bring people together.”

“So do dead bodies and mysteries,” I whispered back.

Ian chuckled. “Touche.”

Winifred led us to a room that once must have been Waters’ library the shelves now bare and only a folding table and two folding chairs occupying the space. Two open boxes sat on top of the table.

“Those are all the papers Waters had. If you find any belonging to the Willow Lake Historical Society, please put them aside and I will review them quickly and approve you to take receipt of them,” Winifred instructed, then turned a smile on Ian. “If you would come with me.”

“Of course,” Ian said and cast a glance my way. “I’ll catch up with you all later.”

Winifred reached in her suit jacket pocket and pulled out several lanyards the plastic card attached at the end reading guest. She handed one to Ian, then handed Amy three to pass out. “These will allow you to preview the items if you’d like.”

“Thank you. That is very generous of you,” Amy said and turned and handed one each to Beau and me as Ian and the woman left the room. “She’s a fan and probably wants to get plenty of pictures to share with her reader group.”

“I’ve gotten used to the attention he gets… mostly,” I admitted. “Let’s get to work.”

With the three of us we got through the files quickly and came across several papers that belonged to the historical society. Many were financial papers while others were receipts of purchases by the historical society for various items from paintings to antique pieces.

“It worries me that Waters kept these receipts when they should be on file at the historical society. It could mean he bought the items and kept them for himself. We need to reference these receipts with the items being offered here. Several of the items could very well belong to the historical society,” Amy said.

“Why don’t you go and talk with Winifred about this, and Pep and I will split the receipts and see if we can locate the items,” Beau said.

The house was filling fast with people eager to preview the auction items. Beau went one way, and I went the other way. Of course, I couldn’t help spotting some items that would work well in my cabin and several that would look perfect in the lodge. I also saw some things I knew Amy would love and made a mental note to tell Beau though he probably already spotted them.

I shouldn’t have been surprised when I came across an item that I had a receipt for, an antique writing box. I did a quick search on my phone and discovered the writing box, depending on condition, and this box was in excellent condition, was well worth over a thousand dollars. I also came across a French walnut armchair Waters had a receipt for stating it was for the historical society and was given a discount for that reason. I continued through the rooms and was stopped short by what I could have sworn was a familiar voice. I listened for a moment, trying to recall where I had heard it.

Then I caught the word broad and knew where I heard it. It was the voice of the guy Stone had been talking to in the stairwell at the hospital.

I turned casually to get a good look at him and maybe snap a quick pic when I was caught off guard. Professor Anderson was talking with him. Could Anderson be involved with this whole mess?


