Perfect Alignment Read Online Silvia Violet (Thorne and Dash #3)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Thorne and Dash Series by Silvia Violet

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 59951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 300(@200wpm)___ 240(@250wpm)___ 200(@300wpm)

“Yes. More. That’s it.”

Thorne’s precum helped make the way slicker as Riley stroked him in time with his thrusts into Thorne’s ass.

“Riley. Riiiiiley!” Thorne came, his body shaking with the force of it, and Riley couldn’t hold back. He was right there. Right there.

“Yes!” He filled Thorne’s ass, shooting again and again, desperate for air, thinking he might pass out. Then he slumped against Thorne, and they both sank to the floor.

“Shit. I got cum on the wall,” Thorne said, his voice ragged.

Riley laughed, or more accurately, he giggled. Thorne joined in, and suddenly defiling the wall at one of the most prestigious hotels in New York became the funniest thing ever. They both ended up lying on their backs on the floor.

“We’re ruining the carpet too,” Riley said.

“I’m sure the carpet’s seen it before.”

Riley gave him a pointed look. “And you think the wall hasn’t? I used to do this for a living, remember.”

Thorne smiled. “I do, and you were damn good at it.”

“Trust me, everything in this fancy room has been defiled at one time or another.”

“Eww. I hope they have a really good steam cleaner.”

This sent them into more laughter.

Riley held up his left hand and looked at his wedding ring. He’d moved Spiderman to his right hand, still not wanting to give it up. “We’re fucking married.”

“Yes, we are.”

“It feels right, not as weird as I thought it would.”

Thorne rolled to his side and looked at Riley. “It is right.” He pulled Riley to him for a soft kiss that soon became more.

“Insatiable bastard,” Riley teased.

“Isn’t that why you married me?”


Three Days Later

“Can we go ice-skating today?” Riley asked as he and Thorne finished up a leisurely late breakfast in their suite.

Thorne frowned.

“You said we should wait until a weekday because it was too crowded on the weekends. It’s Tuesday.”

“Riley, I—”

“You said we could do anything I wanted.” Riley batted his lashes until Thorne laughed.

“I’ll bust my ass.”

“I’ll kiss it better.”

Thorne sighed. “Fine.”

An hour or so later, they bundled up and headed out. The windchill was far too cold for Atlanta natives, but Riley was determined to ignore that as he led Thorne across the street into the park.

“One condition,” Thorne said.


“We get hot chocolate when we’re done.”

Riley laughed. “Agreed.”

“And maybe a waffle with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.”

“We just finished breakfast.”

Thorne shrugged. “We’re supposed to be spoiling ourselves.”

“Come on.” Riley pulled him toward the rink. “Isn’t this beautiful?”

Riley’s wide-eyed wonder made Thorne smile even though he was facing the prospect of making a fool of himself.

When they’d gotten their skates laced up, Thorne stood and immediately fell on his ass. Riley bit his lip to keep from laughing as he helped Thorne up.

“See? I can’t even stay upright off the rink. What do you think is going to happen when you get me on the ice?”

“It just takes a little while.”

“I’m going to make an ass of myself while you look agile and hot.”

Riley encouraged him to move closer to the rink. “Trust me. There will be plenty of men and women who will want to help you learn to skate.”


“I’m serious. A guy like you, normally all cool and collected, slipping on the ice? Totally hot.”

Riley stepped onto the ice, wobbled for a mere second, and then glided smoothly.

Thorne took tentative little step-slides and wavered, sure he’d be flat on the ice in no time. “How do you do that?” he asked.

“Didn’t you ever skate as a kid?”

“Not really. A few embarrassing trips to the roller-skating rink did me in.”

“Here, take my hands.”

Thorne didn’t like the idea of taking his hand off the wall, but at least if he fell, he might fall on top of Riley, just what he deserved for dragging Thorne out there.

Riley somehow skated backward effortlessly as if he did it every day. He moved slowly, though, pulling Thorne along, and eventually Thorne became slightly more comfortable.

“Can I let go now?” Riley asked.

“I guess so.”

Riley skated beside Thorne, and he managed to stay on his feet for a full circuit of the rink and half another. Then Riley gestured toward the middle. “Do you mind if I skate around out there for a little while?”

“No, go ahead.” The last thing he wanted to do was keep Riley from having fun.

Riley sailed off toward the center. Since Thorne couldn’t take his eyes off his husband’s lean body spinning on the ice, he ran right into a couple of teenagers. Riley skated over to rescue him. Fortunately the kids were far more skilled than Thorne, so they stayed on their feet.

Once Thorne was semi-steady again, he squeezed Riley’s hand. “Go. Twirl around out there and enjoy yourself. I’m going to watch from the side.”

“Thorne, I—”

“I love watching you, and I don’t want to hold you back.”

“I love you.” Riley kissed his cheek and skated off.


