Pregnant by My Best Friend’s Dad Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 24738 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 124(@200wpm)___ 99(@250wpm)___ 82(@300wpm)

“Nnnngh,” he grunts again. “Oh shit!”

I gasp silently, unable to contain my horror. OMG, OMG. Is this for real? Is this really happening?

But it is. Steve continues to masturbate by rubbing my panties on his pole, and as I watch, he lifts another pair to his nose for a sniff. He’s got the material flipped inside out so that the crotch is pressed to his nostrils, and he breathes deep while stroking himself.

“Fuuuuuck Kimber,” he moans. “Fuck yeah. Your twat’s so wet and tight. Unnnnnh!”

Then, his dick shivers and explodes. A huge ream of seed arcs into the air, splattering on the shag carpet as Steve moans and grunts, his big man-boobs jiggling as he climaxes. But I’ve had enough. With a silent scream, I flee the second floor and stumble down the stairs, uncaring if I fall. Then I grab my bag by the door and run out of the house, rushing to get into my car. What was that? How could that have happened? My gross, disgusting stepdad was masturbating in my childhood bedroom, using two pairs of my panties, and literally came while grunting MY NAME!

Driving like a maniac, tears come to my eyes. How could this have happened? What did I do to deserve this? What did my mom do to deserve this? I cry as I drive, unable to process. My foot clamps down on the gas pedal, and I almost hit a pedestrian before swerving onto the main road. What the hell, what the hell? Even more pressing: what do I do now?



I’m still shaking and crying as I sit at the wheel of my parked car. Holy shit. My stepfather is a total perv, and I just caught him at it. Did Steve see me? Did he know that I was watching? I hope not because I can’t stand the thought of that man thinking about me, much less in a sexual way. He’s so disgusting, and suddenly, some of my mom’s actions in the past make sense. I remember how Sandra tried to convince me to attend boarding school after she got married.

“It’ll be fun, honey,” she said with a tight smile. “I think you could really benefit.”

I cocked my head at her with a puzzled look.

“But Mom, Hooper High is fine, and you know I don’t mind switching districts. There’s no need to ship me off to some fancy boarding school in the Northeast. Besides, where would we even get the money? The cost for room and board, not to mention tuition, would be in the tens of thousands. How would we afford that?”

Sandra merely smiled tightly again.

“I’ve been saving for a rainy day, so don’t worry. We’ll come up with the money. Besides, a lot of these fancy-schmancy schools have financial aid. I’m sure we can find a way.”

I squint at her.

“But Mom, you make minimum wage at the Stop n’ Save. There’s no way we can afford years of boarding school, even with financial aid. Plus, why are you calling this a rainy day? It’s not a rainy day. You just got married, Mom. You should be dancing with joy!”

Something flashed in Sandra’s eyes as she took my hand in her own.

“No, it’s fine,” she said in a soft voice, squeezing my palm. “It’s not a rainy day. I’m sorry I used that phrase. I’m just saying that this would be a natural time to consider boarding school if it interests you, Kimber. You’re starting ninth grade, so it’s a logical transition point.”

I smile at Sandra comfortingly, squeezing her dry palm with my own.

“Hooper High is fine, Mom. It’s a good school! Even better than the one in our old district. I’m fine, Mom. Now, go enjoy being a newlywed! You’re leaving for your honeymoon soon, right?”

Sandra nodded, her faded blue eyes looking a little sad despite her smile.

“That’s right,” she murmured. “But you know what? I want you to have more opportunities, Kimber. We’re going to sign you up for lots of extracurriculars so that you don’t miss out on anything. I know I haven’t been able to provide much more than the basics until now, but that’s all going to change,” she said in a firm tone. “I promise.”

I merely smiled back while squeezing her hand.

“You’ve been a great mom, Sandra,” I said in a soft voice. “You did the best you could, and I appreciate it. But sure, let’s do more extracurriculars. I’ve always been into drama and dance.”

With that, I soon found myself on the color guard team, as well as a member of the drama club and French society. Then, my activities morphed into the cheerleading squad, more color guard stuff, as well as French society and Italian club president. I was busy, busy, busy, and definitely took Hooper High by storm. It was a wonderful four years, filled with laughter, tears, and the emotional rollercoaster that high school entails.


