Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

Too masculine.

Too sexy.

Too angry.

Pull it together, Delilah.

You have to get through this.

I inhale a deep breath before steadily releasing it back into the atmosphere.

As I reach for the stack of papers, I realize that my fingers are trembling. Actually, my entire body is shaking. No matter how many cleansing breaths I force myself to take, my body refuses to settle.

It vibrates like a livewire.

I pick up the first sheet and stare at the words, trying to make sense of them as they swim before my eyes. Why is it so impossible to concentrate?

Austin settles close enough for our thighs to brush. When he strokes a finger along the curve of my jaw, I nearly jump off the mattress.

“What’s wrong, sweet girl? Are you distracted?” Before I can force out a response, his voice drops, turning smoky. “I know exactly how to fix that problem.”

“I’m fine.” I chant the mantra over and over in my head, needing it to be true.

His fingers drift along my cheek.

“Can you stop that?” I keep my attention focused on the paper in my hands and will them not to tremble.

“No. Touching you helps me concentrate.” His silky voice turns steely. “You of all people should know I have issues. You were quick enough to blab all the details to your asshole boyfriend.”

My shoulders collapse under the weight of his accusation. “I didn’t tell Jasper anything.”

He snorts, disbelief ringing throughout his tone. “Oh yeah? What a coincidence that he found out about my dyslexia and shared it with the entire fucking school right after we had a convo about it.”

It sounds unbelievable even to my own ears.

“I know it looks bad, but I swear that I didn’t say a word.”

Rage blazes from his eyes as he pushes into my personal space. “I don’t care how much you swear, I won’t believe a damn word that escapes from your lying lips.”

“I’m sorry about what happened.”

“You’re sorry?” His voice escalates as he parrots the words back.

With a flinch, I steel myself. “Yes.”

“Then you shouldn’t have a problem helping me get back at him.”

A kernel of unease blooms in the pit of my belly. “I don’t—”

Before I realize what’s happening, he snaps his teeth and bites my lower lip. A gasp escapes from me as I sit rooted, frozen in place. The metallic taste of blood hits my tongue. When a pitiful whimper escapes from me, he tugs at my flesh before releasing it.

My fingers fly to my mouth, grazing the abraded flesh as my gaze stays fastened to him. When I lift my fingers away, I find a smear of blood.

I can’t believe—

His hand snakes around the nape of my neck to drag me closer as his tongue darts out to lick at my lip. “I don’t give a fuck what you want. You’re going to help me get back at Jasper.”

I wince, scared to ask but more frightened not to know. “How?”

“From now on, you belong to me. To do with as I please. Understand?”

When I attempt to shake my head, his grip tightens, turning painful. There’s no getting away from him.

“I don’t want any part of this.”

His features remain unyielding. “Guess that’s tough shit, isn’t it?”

“You can’t force me to go along with your plan.”

His smile turns vicious. “Wanna bet?”

Unease slithers down my spine as I fight my way free of his grasp before popping to my feet and slowly backing away. It’s a surprise when he remains seated, not bothering to come after me.

Even though I’m reluctant to take my eyes off him, I slip my cell from my pocket and glance at it, continuing to creep toward the door. “I need to pick my mom up from school.”

Once I reach the threshold, relief crashes over me. The first thing I’m going to do tomorrow morning is tell Ms. Pettijohn that I can’t work with Austin. She needs to find someone else.

There’s no way I can do this again.

Just as I step into the hallway, he says, “I know your mom is fucking Pembroke.”

A strange paralysis takes hold as air gets wedged at the back of my throat, making it impossible to breathe. My wide gaze flies to his just in time to see the triumphant smile flash across his face.

“It’d be a real shame if that got out.”

“You would do that?” I croak.

One dark brow slinks upward. “What? Expose a secret you didn’t want anyone to know about?” There’s an uncomfortable beat of silence. “Damn right I would. I told you this morning that I’d make you pay, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. Did you really think you could fuck me over and get away with it?”

“I told—”

His hand slices through the air. “Save it. You’ve been exposed for the liar you are.”

Now that I’m no longer running away, he rises leisurely to his feet. I remain in place, powerless to move. My heartbeat picks up tempo as he eats up the distance that separates us.


