Promise Me Not – Boys of Avix Read Online Meagan Brandy

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 136
Estimated words: 131821 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

“Not everyone has to do things the way you do, asshole.”

“It’s not how I do things. It’s the right way or the wrong way.”

“Because you’re so damn perfect.”

Spinning, I glare at the dickhead. “You want to get better or not?”

“I’m only here because Coach said I had to be. I made this fucking team on my own, and I don’t need your help to stay on it.”

“No, what you need to do is figure out what it means to be on a team.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He gets in my face.

I just shake my head at him. “You’re unaware, and you don’t fucking listen.”

“I’m unaware,” he deadpans, rearing back and shouting in my face. “I’m unaware? You have no fucking idea how rich that is coming from you!”

He shoves me with his chest, and I shove his ass right back.

“What’s your problem, man? You’ve been on my ass since day one, and I’m getting tired of it.”

“Serves you right after what you did!”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I shout. “I don’t even know you, and I didn’t get on your ass until after you got on mine.”

“Yeah, ’cause you’re so damn good. Perfect little playboy, huh? You’re just a punk fucking with vulnerable girls. Soon as that pretty thing with the baby sees you for who you really are, she’s gonna run so fucking fast⁠—”

I headbutt his ass, refusing to put my career in any more jeopardy, especially over this punk, and I’d be lying if I said the harsh crunch of his nose against my forehead wasn’t just as satisfying as a fist to his face would be.

His head snaps back, blood sprays, and he stumbles, but I keep at him, yanking him by the collar and dragging him to his feet.

“I warned you once. Do not talk, look, or even think about her!”

Alister spits blood in my face. “I’m going to tell her to take her kid and run as far as she can⁠—”

“That is my kid!” I scream.

Alister goes stone still, his eyes widening.

I’m shaking I’m so mad. “He is my son, and you will stay the fuck away from them both, or so help me, Howl, I will break your arms and then your legs, and then everything you’re trying to gain here goes out the window.”

“You’re an even bigger prick than I realized.” Alister swallows, tearing away from me with a tense expression that makes no sense to me. But then he jerks his chin. “Better run after your girl, Johnson. Seems something you said pissed her off.”

My brows pull, and I look to the left. Sure enough, Payton is whipping the stroller around, practically running back into the tunnels from the track.

“Payton!” I shout, breaking out into a run, but the door swings shut in my face. I heave through it, following her into one of the conference rooms. “Wait!”

She rushes to the back corner, fumbling with the knob, and I know this one locks from the other side.

“I went to see him!” The words fly from my mouth like a desperate plea.

It works.

She pauses, the knob in her hand, stroller half out the door.

Swallowing, I take slow steps forward and repeat, “I went to see him.” I watch as her shoulders tighten. “Spent some time at his grave.”

She whips around, tears thick but not yet falling.

“How dare you,” she breathes, a storm building in her blue eyes. She pulls the stroller back into the room, letting the door close as she advances on me, her voice low. “You had no right.”

“I did. I do,” I tell her, and her chin wobbles. “You haven’t been there, have you?” I ask softly. “I told you where he was laid to rest months ago, and you haven’t gone. Why?”

“You don’t know that,” she rasps, arms stiff at her sides.

“But I do.” Another step closer. “If you had, you would have left your mark, because that’s what you do, but there was nothing. Why haven’t you gone?”

“That’s none of your business,” she whispers.

“I think it is. I’m part of the reason, aren’t I?” I take another step toward her. “You feel guilty for wanting to be with me, and you know you can’t lie to him like you lie to yourself.”

“I am not lying to myself.”

“You’re torturing yourself.”

She swallows, hands fisting. “Why did you tell Alister that Deaton was your son?”

“Changing the subject doesn’t help us.”

Stubborn as ever, she raises her chin. “Answer me, Mason! Why did you tell him he was yours?”

“Because he is!” I scream back.

Payton shakes her head, spinning around and moving back toward the stroller. “I can’t do this. I thought I was ready to have this conversation, but I’m not.”

Before she reaches him, I dive forward, jumping in front of her and blocking her path.

“Please move.”

“I can’t. Not until you hear me out.”


