Provoke Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 112701 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 564(@200wpm)___ 451(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Marla hums. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Yes, well, it did look like you had something stuck in your eye. Did you get it out, honey?”

I stifle a choked laugh behind my fist at Raven’s condescending tone that she covers up with the brightest, fakest smile I’ve seen her wield to date.

“Could you please let Mr. Ramsey know we’re here?” Raven continues, dismissing Marla expertly.

She glares in Raven’s direction but quickly turns on her heel, stalking toward his office. Within two minutes, his door opens, and Paxton, dressed in his best Armani suit, appears, grinning like a loon.

“It’s wonderful to see you,” he says, walking straight past me and pulling Raven into a tight hug.

She giggles, patting his back awkwardly. “You, too, Paxton. Thank you for allowing us to meet with you.”

He smiles down at her. “It’s the least I could do for my fruit-bearing friend.”

She offers him a toothy grin. “Glad you liked it.”

“Oh, I did. The sunshine balloons were a perfect touch. They reminded me of you immediately.”

“Is that so?” she says, and he nods.

“Of course.” His hand motions to her. “You’re always cheery.”

“Dear God,” I murmur, rolling my eyes at Paxton’s blatant flirting.

They both look at me with varying degrees of interest.

“Glad to see you brought the grump with you,” Paxton says, grinning down at Raven.

“I can’t seem to shake him.”

“Oh, you two are a regular comedy routine. Want me to ring Monty Python to add you to the cast?” I drone. “Can we get on with it, Paxton? I don’t have all damn day.”

His lips press together as he shoots a look of annoyance at me before ushering us toward his open door. “You used to be fun. Take a seat,” he instructs, walking behind his obscenely large mahogany desk in front of a glass wall.

It would be an amazing view if he wasn’t on the seventh floor in a city with skyscrapers. His view is another wall of windows, and I can’t help but wonder what price he paid to get screwed.

“I looked over your proposal, Raven, and I have to say, you’re good. Too good for the likes of him,” he jibes at me.

“Thank you,” she says, lighting up. Her excitement is palpable as I listen to her jump into a pitch that is anything but scripted.

Her passion is contagious, and her knowledge is impressive. She’s a damn force, and I’m spellbound by it.

I’m in a trance, watching her lips move but not hearing a word of it.

“Charles,” Paxton says, his voice dripping with amusement.

My head turns as I laser him with a glare.

“What do you think?” he says, crossing his legs and sitting back cockily.

He knows damn well I have no idea what he’s talking about, and that annoying grin says he knows why.

“I trust whatever decision Raven makes.”

His eyes taper as he considers me. I don’t like whatever is going on in that head of his. I can practically hear the accusations, and I tense, waiting for whatever is coming.

“Fine,” he says, turning back to Raven. “I’ll draw up the contracts for Catelyn and Spencer, but I’d like to throw my hat in the ring for all three accounts.”

My eyebrows rise into my hairline. He knows I’m after Jessica Almes since Summer was stolen out from under me.

“News is about to break that I scored the client of a lifetime. The ink is dry, and I now represent Holly Morgan.”

My eyes widen, and Raven gasps.

“Holly left World Class?”

Paxton nods, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Holly Morgan is the equivalent of Summer Smith in the movie business. An actress who will be a great account to work with as she rises through her field.

Holly is known to be classy, beautiful, and perfect for Diosa.

Until today, she was unreachable. World Class wouldn’t entertain contracts for her outside of their tight circle. Unless you were in with Richard Cross, owner of World Class Talent, you weren’t getting a meeting.

“Paxton, that’s incredible,” Raven says, sounding shell-shocked. “She’s perfect.”

“And for my friends,” he says, looking back and forth between Raven and me, “she’ll be on board.”

This is a game changer, and I can tell Raven feels it, too.

“Meet Holly and me at Silver tomorrow night, and we’ll close the deal.”

“We’ll be there,” she says without hesitation.

“Great, what else can I help you two with from my balloon-filled office?”

“Nothing at the moment, Pax, but can I use the ladies’ room before we head out?” she asks.

“It’s the door at the end of the hallway,” he says, and I don’t miss Raven’s raised brow, as if to say, sure about that, but she quickly schools her features.

None of us wants to bring up the last encounter we all had at Silver.

When Raven’s left the room, Paxton chuckles deeply.

“My friend, you have your hands full with that one.”

I purse my lips. Raven has been nothing but professional and brilliant.


