Queen of Their Colony – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 102360 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 512(@200wpm)___ 409(@250wpm)___ 341(@300wpm)

No! She pushed the erotic thoughts out of her head with a violent act of will. What was happening to her?

Terra didn’t have any answers. She also didn’t know if the Monstrum in the circle were also experiencing what she was—she was literally blinded by pleasure and couldn’t see anything for a solid minute.

And the thing was, that though the intensity of the orgasm lessened, the pleasure kept coming. It wasn’t as strong as it had been at first, but it was still there—flowing through her like an unstoppable current, lighting up her entire body with desire and need. And the erotic images kept trying to creep back into her mind…

Oh my God, have to stop this—have to get away!

With a superhuman effort, she yanked her hands out of V’rone and Tem’s grip. She stumbled and almost fell—would have fallen if the blue Monstrum hadn’t caught her in his arms.

“My Lady?” He looked down at her anxiously.

“Let…let me go.” Terra pushed weakly at his broad chest. She was panting and trembling, as though she’d run a marathon and her heart was pounding like a sledgehammer in her chest. “I can’t…I don’t want to…”

“Don’t worry—it won’t happen again,” Tem reassured her quickly, seeming to understand her fear. “The Touch-Sign only happens the first time a colony makes contact with their Queen.”

“That was a fuckin’ strong reaction,” V’rone muttered.

“I have never heard of a Touch-Sign manifesting so violently before,” Rive murmured. He looked shaken—they all did, Terra thought. So the strange pleasure wave had affected them too—though how much she didn’t know.

And she didn’t care—all she wanted at that moment was to get away.

Pulling herself out of Tem’s arms, she half ran, half stumbled in the direction of the Transport Hub. She was going to catch the first train out of here—or the first Carpet Wole or whatever. She didn’t care, she just had to get away from the three alien warriors that had caused such a strange reaction in her body!

“Terra? Honey, where are you going?”

Suddenly Iyanna was at her side.

“I don’t know—away.” Terra shook her head, still feeling weak from the incredibly intense orgasm. She felt like she was trying to navigate the world while she was drunk—or maybe more like after she’d been struck by lightning.

Erotic lightning—a sex bolt hit me from out of the blue, she thought dizzily and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Let’s get you to that guest suite I promised you.” Iyanna hooked her arm through Terra’s, steadying her somewhat.

“Thank you.” Terra nodded gratefully. “But what about…them?” She threw a look over her shoulder at the three Monstrum warriors who were still standing in a semicircle, staring at her. She felt a sudden, irrational urge to run back to them and pushed it away.

“Don’t worry about your boys right now—Dra’vik will take care of them,” Iyanna said soothingly.

Terra wanted to protest that V’rone and Rive and Tem weren’t “her boys,” but she felt too disorientated to say much of anything.

“All right.” She nodded weakly. “Let’s go.”

“This way.” Iyanna kept a firm grip on her arm and led her away.

Terra didn’t look back again but she could feel them—all three of them—staring at her as she left them.


“I’ve never heard of a Touch-Sign that violent before,” Rive muttered, half to himself.

He felt shaken as he never had before. No female had ever touched his heart—he prided himself on being cold and logical. He wasn’t the Brain of their colony for nothing.

But there was something special about Terra—something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. The lovely Mature Elite seemed to see him as no female ever had before and when she touched him…

It felt as though my heart was melting within me, he thought, trying to put words to the strange, unfamiliar emotion. As though she was looking into my very soul and seeing me—the true me—as no one has before, not even Tem or V’rone.

It was an uneasy feeling to be sure, and yet he found he wanted more of it—not that he was going to get it. None of them were if the way Terra had run from them was any indication.

“Fuck—she’s gone!” V’rone muttered, staring after her retreating figure. “Why did she run off like that?”

Tem frowned at him.

“You have to ask? Did you feel that Touch-Sign?”

“Yes, it was fuckin’ strong,” V’rone growled. “But that’s just more proof that she needs to be with us.”

“She apparently doesn’t think so,” Rive said dryly. “If the way she left in such a hurry is any indication.”

“We have to get her back!” V’rone started for the Transport hub, only to be stopped by the massive form of Dra’vik.

“Hold on there, Brother,” the Drake Monstrum rumbled. “I think you’d better give the little female some space before you go charging after her again. I don’t know what just happened between the four of you, but it looked pretty intense.”


