Queen of Their Colony – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 102360 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 512(@200wpm)___ 409(@250wpm)___ 341(@300wpm)

“If we ever convince our stubborn Queen she’s supposed to be the mother of those sons,” V’rone grumbled.

“A lot of that will depend on you,” Rive pointed out. “I get the distinct impression that Terra finds your personality overwhelming—even aggressive. You must temper your reactions and prove to her that you can be a reasonable male.”

“I’m reasonable!” V’rone protested, feeling hurt. “How is it unreasonable to want to protect our Queen? To want to keep her safe from harm and pleasure her until she moans? To lap her sweet pussy and suck her full breasts and—”

“Er, hello. Am I coming in at a bad time?”

Terra poked her head into the open door of the golden shuttle, an uncertain look on her lovely face.

“No time is bad when you are here, my Lady,” Tem said courteously, coming to extend a hand and help Terra into the shuttle.

The Soul of their colony always had been a flowery son-of-a-bitch, V’rone thought sourly. How was it that both Tem and Rive were already favored by their chosen Queen, but she found him “overwhelming?” All he wanted to do was keep her safe and make her feel good. What was so wrong with that?

Still, Rive usually knew what he was talking about and Tem was no fool either—otherwise V’rone never would have formed a colony with them. So he tried to keep his voice neutral when he greeted their Queen.

“Welcome, little Terra,” he rumbled, turning his head to nod at her. “Please make yourself comfortable. We’ll be lifting off shortly.”

Or that was what he meant to say, anyway. But when he caught a look at what she was wearing, the words flew out of his mind as his brain short-circuited and all he got out was, “Welcuuuuuh,” in a rather strangled voice.

The lovely Mature Elite was wearing an outfit that was much more provocative than the boxy thick fabric she’d been draped in previously. It was a long, flowing dress that seemed to be made entirely of green and blue flowers. But it was split in the middle almost up to her navel and the bodice part of it was scooped low, covering only the bottom parts of her breasts.

Of course, Terra had on a kind of breast shield, which was also made of blossoms, but their petals didn’t quite hide the ripe buds of her nipples which were peeking out from among them. Likewise, she was wearing flower panties but the soft blue petals seemed to part in the center, showing most of her pussy slit.

“Goddess be praised,” Tem breathed as Terra’s amazing dress was fully revealed. “You look mouthwatering, my Lady!”

“Oh, thank you.” She laughed nervously. “I was, uh, told this is how the Mistresses dress on Yonnie Six right now.”

“If that is true then the fashion suits you. You are indeed most lovely,” Rive said gravely. “Do you not agree, V’rone?” he asked pointedly, looking in V’rone’s direction.

“Yes, V’rone—do you like my new look?” Terra arched an eyebrow challengingly in his direction.

V’rone licked his lips.

“You only have to look at the state of my fucking trousers to know that, little Terra,” he growled. “I’m hard as a fucking Brenian railway spike over here.”

“Oh, well…” Terra cleared her throat.

“V’rone…” Tem said warningly. “Remember what we were talking about earlier?”

“Right. Sorry,” V’rone growled.

Terra frowned.

“What were the three of you talking about?”

“These two think I’m aggressive,” V’rone said, nodding at Tem and Rive. “They’re afraid I’ll fucking scare you off, little Terra.”

To his surprise, she tilted her chin up and gave him a defiant look.

“I’m not frightened of you, V’rone,” she said. “And you don’t scare me.”

“Good,” V’rone growled. “Because I’m not trying to frighten you—I just want to protect and pleasure you, my Queen.”

“Oh, uh…” This seemed to put Terra at a loss. “I’m not your Queen,” she said at last.

“Only because you won’t admit we all belong together,” V’rone told her. He nodded at Tem and Rive. “These two are afraid to state the obvious—we’re going on a fucking useless mission because our Queen—the only Queen any of us want or need—is right here. It’s you.”

“Enough, V’rone. Fly the ship before Terra changes her mind about helping us get the Heart-finder,” Rive said flatly.

“Fine—I’ll shut up and fly.” V’rone turned back to the controls and started getting ready for lift-off.

Behind him, he heard Tem getting Terra settled and buckled in.

“Have you ever folded space before, my Lady?” he was asking. “It can be a bit disconcerting but I promise it’s not harmful and it doesn’t hurt in any way.”

V’rone clenched his jaw as he put in the coordinates for Yonnie Six and the golden shuttle rose into space. This whole fucking mission was a complete waste of time. He had known from the first moment he saw her that Terra was the only one for him—for any of them. It didn’t matter if they got their hands on the Heart-finder and it showed them a dozen more females fit to be their Queen.


