Revenge With My Ex’s Dad – Delicious Taboos Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 55608 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 278(@200wpm)___ 222(@250wpm)___ 185(@300wpm)

“It’s no trouble at all,” Duke repeats, with more emphasis this time.

“Thank you,” Rachael says.

“So,” I say, “what should we do today? I don’t know about everybody else, but I could fall asleep right now.”

“I was just thinking the same,” Duke replies. “I’m exhausted, and not just physically.”

“That makes three of us,” Rachael says. “Do you think it is safe?”

Duke nods. “It’s all out in the open now. The cops know who these idiots are or were, for the ones who didn’t make it.” His voice is merciless when he adds this last bit. He has no pity for the monsters who tried to take everything from us. “The dirty cops are on the run. I think, finally, we can relax.”

He curls his hand around my hip and pulls me to him. His hand tightens. Despite everything, I’m sure I can feel some lust in his touch, some urgency. Are we really going to sleep, or will our fierce desire overwhelm us? But what about Ryan? What if he can’t accept it?



The curtains are drawn, and the door is locked as I lie with my woman in my arms. She has her back to me, her thick, perfect ass pressed against my groin. We said we were coming up here to sleep, but it’s been at least thirty minutes, and rest seems very far away.

She shifts against me, her ass rubbing against my swollen tip. After all the violence, the fear, the pain, it’s like my instincts are roaring at me that the time to claim her is now. Yet Ryan has left so much up in the air. He could still make our lives difficult.

“Are you asleep?” she whispers.

I smile and kiss the back of her neck, smelling her hair, smelling her. “I think you know the answer to that question.”

She shifts against me again, making my manhood get even harder. My balls are full of tension, lust, and heat. I push firmer against her ass, savoring her curviness, my hand resting on her hip.

“We shouldn’t…” She moans seductively when I drive even harder against her. “Should we?”

“I don’t know,” I growl.

“But Ryan…”

“You told me he said he was never attracted to you. He never wanted you. It was all tied up with his mom, with abandonment.”

“Yeah, that’s what he told me.”

“Then this isn’t a betrayal. I see his point about being reminded of the person he was, but he’ll have to learn to deal with that. I don’t mean to sound callous, but…”

“Go on,” she whispers, her voice getting breathy in a way that has my shaft swelling with even more heat.

“Almost losing my life in that place has brought a lot of things into perspective. I can’t let you go. I can’t even think about letting you go. You gave me the strength to fight those assholes. It was like I turned into some prehistoric man,” I laugh gruffly. “I know how weird that sounds.”

“Weird… us?” She turns over, looking into my eyes, an enthralling smile on her lips. “I could never believe that.”

I chuckle, playfully tickling her side, stunned at how easily we can forget everything that has happened. When she laughs, a guilty note thrums inside of me. Ryan might be able to hear her. My woman must be able to read my expression. She bites down.

“Sorry,” she whispers.

“Never apologize for laughing,” I say passionately. “Especially now. Especially after everything you’ve been through.”

“After everything we’ve been through,” she murmurs, gliding her hand up my arm and gently holding onto my shoulder. Then her grip gets tighter. It’s the way she held me last night, as if she thought I would disappear. “I’m just so happy you made it out of there. When they tied your hands behind your back…” She shudders.

I lean forward, kiss her cheek, then kiss her again, close to her lips. The tip of my manhood is pushing firmly against my pants, urging me to claim her. “You don’t have to worry about that ever again,” I tell her. “I’m going to protect you just like you protected me.”

She smiles, and then she gets this somehow dangerous look in her eyes. She’s filled with excitement, a thrill that’s hard to quantify. Lust. Heat. Steam. When she kisses me, I can taste the difference in the shape of her lips. She opens her mouth, finding my tongue.

I try to think of Ryan. I try to tell myself to hold off until I know for sure he’ll be okay.

Yet the moment I touch her hip and she moans through the kiss, I know I’m lost. I know there’s no fighting this. I push against her, sliding my hand from her hip to her ass, feeling her thickness through her PJ leggings. She moans even more urgently when I massage her ass, indulging in her thickness, letting my mind turn blank for everything except her.


