Say My Name – A Dark Mafia Romance Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 51
Estimated words: 48087 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 240(@200wpm)___ 192(@250wpm)___ 160(@300wpm)

I curled my hands into fists again and relaxed them. I did this repeatedly until I felt that rage in me level out so I could think more clearly.

There was this demon within me, one who wanted blood and violence and revenge.

And I was going to give the fucker a bloodbath.

An hour later, I leaned against the wall in a back room of Butcher and Sons, staring at Derek and Logan strung up from a metal beam that ran across the ceiling.

It had been easy enough finding where the two scumbags had been. Even if I didn’t run half this fucking town, Derek and Logan always frequented the same hole-in-the wall and cum-stained floor establishments in Desolation.

Luca and another one of my soldiers had already given the two fuckers a beating. Their blood dripped onto the stained concrete floor. Bruises littered their faces, arms, and chests.

Derek, her father, looked worse for wear out of the two. When I first came into the room, I thought the bastard was dead.

Both had their arms above their heads, a piece of rope secured around their wrists. Logan was passed out, but Derek was mumbling, pleading in between taking gurgling, wet-sounding breaths.

Luca and my other soldier were off to the side, waiting for instructions from me.

I unbuttoned my cuffs and rolled the dark material of my dress shirt up my forearms. I’d taken off my suit jacket and tie when they’d first arrived, the clothing slung over the worktable that held an assortment of torture implements.

I walked over to the rusted table pushed against the far wall and bent down to grab the bucket on the ground beside it that held murky water that was probably a mix of bodily fluids, if I were being honest.

Once I had it in hand, I went over to Logan and didn’t wait another second to toss that shit on his face to wake his ass up.

Derek tried to lean away from the spray of fermented water just as Logan sputtered awake.

I cursed at the foul-smelling liquid and took a step back.

“Fuck, Luca,” I snapped. “Did you piss in this bucket?”

Luca grunted and tipped his head toward Milo, showing it was the other man who’d done that.

“Drink more water, fucker,” I gritted out to Milo. The crazy bastard just grinned and pulled a cigarette out of his jacket pocket.

“Got some discards from the butcher shop in town. Threw it in there for good measure.” Milo said.

If I had a weak stomach, that might have made me lose my lunch, but I chuckled and said, “Well played.”

I went back over to the table and ran my fingers over the various instruments of torture I’d be using on these assholes.

I picked up a pair of brass knuckles, slipped them on, and moved back to the two fuckheads.

“You know why I brought you here?” I asked Derek as I stared at the brass covering my knuckles. He said nothing coherently. I glanced up and cocked an eyebrow.

Derek opened his mouth, sputtering a few times before he found his voice. “I know we owe you money, and I swear we’ll get it to you. We’ve just been trying to win it back—”

I held up my hand, stopping him from running his mouth.

“That's not why I brought you here today.” And it wasn’t, really. I didn’t miss how Luca’s brows pulled down slightly in confusion or how Milo cocked his head to the side in curiosity.

I ran my finger over the metal, the brass rough from the various times I used it to beat the shit out of men who crossed me.

“I had someone come visit me. Someone you two pieces of shit know very well.” If the two douchebags could have looked at each other in confusion, I’m sure they would have done so at that moment. But as it was, they could barely keep their fucking heads up.

“Liliana came by trying to save your worthless asses.” I stared at both of them, thinking back to her in my office and feeling my anger rise. “Wanted to sell her ass to me to save you fuckers.”

“She’ll do it. She’s a good girl—”

I backhanded Logan before he could say anything else that would further piss me off.

“I declined her offer.” Both men groaned and strained against their bonds. “I may be the worst of the worst, but I won’t let her take the fall for you two fuckers.” I ran the brass knuckles along Logan’s shirt, wiping off his blood. “One of you two hit her.”

I felt the room still, knowing Luca watched me closely. I wasn’t known to give two shits about what anyone said or did. Although I didn’t hurt women or children, I also wasn’t tolerant when it came to taking out someone who looked at me the wrong way.

“And I have to tell you…” I paused and ground my teeth, curled my hands into fists, and gritted out, “seeing that bruise on her face pissed me the fuck off.” I exhaled but kept my fists curled tightly into balls. “That's why you two are here. I’m gonna find out which one of you hit her this time, and then I’m gonna fucking kill you before I kill the other one.”


