Secret Love Read Online Ella Goode

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 32770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 164(@200wpm)___ 131(@250wpm)___ 109(@300wpm)

“I like karaoke, though,” chirps Madison.

“Because you’re the lead soprano in the choir,” a guy says. “Not all of us have pipes like that.”

“Karaoke is about confidence, not talent,” Madison says.

“It’s better if you aren’t good,” says someone else.

The class starts debating this topic until Ms. Cotton walks in. “I’ve got a feeling this discussion isn’t about differential equations.”

A unanimous groan erupts. No one likes that topic. Actually, I don’t mind it, but I would never admit to this. I sneak a look at Sadie, whose tight expression has faded. On the other side of her, though, Van is glaring daggers at me. I wink back to be obnoxious.

“Damn, we’ll get a karaoke machine then.”

Ms. Cotton tells us all to shut up, nicely, and then starts her lecture. I reach over and squeeze Sadie’s hand. “You okay?” I say quietly.

She nods. I lift her hand to my lips and then remember we are in the middle of Calc and her brother is sitting right next to her. Over the top of our joined hands, I meet Van’s eyes. He is lit up with anger.

Take your fucking hand off her, he mouths.

Sadie jerks her fingers from mine and shoves her hand under her desk. My own hands curl into fists. Van doesn’t get to dictate to me or Sadie what we can and cannot do. I understand she loves him like a brother, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to beat the crap out of him, and I telegraph that very message silently to him.

He sends back a bring it on.

This Friday party may never happen.



“Did Rose ruin the birthday surprise or did you already know?” Dunc asks when class lets out.

Rose practically stomps past my desk. I fight a smile. I never want to be cruel to anyone. Even though she deserves it for how she treats people. But I know what it’s like to be on the other side, and it sucks.

Plus, I think a lot of people who lash out have their own demons they have to face. But hearing Dunc has never given her the time of day and somehow, I have caught all of his attention makes me giddy. There’s nothing she could do to bring me down right now.

“Van let it slip.”

Dunc glares over at Van.

“It was an accident.” Van packs up his stuff. Dunc grabs mine before I can.

“Maybe it’s from being hit on the head too many times.” I take another jab at this football crap.

“My head is fine.” He stands. “Besides. Sadie doesn’t like surprises.”

“Enjoyed the surprise of waking up with me this morning.” Dunc winks at me. I brace myself for a fight, but I can tell Van doesn’t believe him.

“Not playing your stupid game, Dunc. I’ve got to get to practice.” He focuses his attention back to me. “You good?”

“I’m great.” I’m not sure if it’s a lie or not. Things are changing. Van isn’t wrong. I’m not a fan of surprises or changes.

“I got her,” Dunc challenges. I’ve noticed that Dunc has been trying to hold some of his jabs with Van, but still some slip through.

“Wasn’t talking to you.”

“I said I’m great. You got football.”

“We’re talking tonight,” Van mutters before he starts to walk off.

“If it’s about Dunc, I don’t want to talk.” Van freezes for a half second but shakes his head and leaves the classroom. When I glance over at Dunc, he has a smug smile on his face. I roll my eyes. “Don’t get a big head.”

“You’d really pick me over Van?” Dunc follows me out of class. His hand grabs my hips, shifting me to walk on the inside of him so no one can bump into me unless they hit him first, which won’t happen.

“I don’t want to pick anyone, but I, ah—” I lick my lips, unsure if I should continue with my sentence.

“But—” Dunc pushes, wanting me to finish. And the look he’s giving me tells me he needs me to give him the words.

“I really like you.” My checks burn. Pretty sure he knows this already, but saying it out loud makes me feel vulnerable. “Even if you’re an asshole.”

“Not an asshole to you,” he reminds me.

“Right.” I laugh. “I want to see where this goes. I see what happened to your dad and my mom when people got in their way.” Everything might be great now between them, but they suffered for years because of other people. It makes me hesitant.

“You don’t have to worry about that. I won’t let anyone come between us. Van hasn’t stopped me. Maybe slowed me but never fucking stopped.” I have to admit that I love this side of Dunc. The one that gets all possessive and will fight for me.

“It would be nice if you two could get along.” It may be wishful thinking, but I truly believe that the two of them will eventually come to their senses.


