Shielding Rosie Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 25
Estimated words: 23126 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 116(@200wpm)___ 93(@250wpm)___ 77(@300wpm)

“You piece of shit,” I say through clenched teeth as I slowly stalk toward him like an animal. “I’m going to fucking kill you.”

“Wait, wait, wait.” He holds his hands up as he tries to back away, but his pants tangle him up, and he falls backwards.

That’s when I leap on him, and everything goes black.

I’m not sure how long it takes for them to pull me off his limp body, but when they do, I’m covered in Nathan Porter’s blood.

Chapter Thirteen


I wake up to the sounds of machines beeping, but it’s hard to focus my eyes with the bright lights. Where the hell am I? The last thing I remember is I was at a party. Then piece by piece, it all comes back.

All except the part about what happened when Nathan closed the door behind us. The sound of the lock clicking into place was deafening. It was so small, but the knowledge of what was to come after it made it ring in my ears.

“You’re awake.” A nurse comes into the hospital room as I realize where I am.

“How—” I try to ask a question, but my throat is so dry I begin coughing.

“Here, take a small sip.” The nurse holds a straw to my mouth. I stare at it, my stomach turning. “Honey, you’re safe.” To prove her point, she walks over to a sink and dumps out the water before grabbing two more cups. She pours water from a pitcher into each of the cups then chugs one down. “See?” She gives me a soft smile while offering it to me again. This time I take the drink. “Easy,” she reminds me when I try to chug.

“Sorry.” My voice sounds clearer now. “So thirsty.”

“You have every right to be wary. I’m Nurse Lori. How are you feeling?”

“I think okay.” I glance at the IV in my arm. “Am I on pain meds?”

“Are you in pain?”

“No. My head hurts a little, but I…ah…”

“You’re not on pain meds.”

“So then no one did anything to me?” I ask, and her whole face softens.

“No, sweetheart. The headache is a combination of what you were dosed with and from when you hit your head.” She pushes my hair back. “You’ve got a little bump here.”

“Thanks,” I say and then glance around the empty room. “Now what?”

“Well, we flushed the drugs out of your system, but the doctor will want one last look at you before we release you. There are also two police officers in the waiting room that want to talk to you.”

“What were the drugs?”

“Fentanyl,” she says, and my heart sinks.

What the hell? I didn’t think to question taking a drink from another girl. Lori glances over her shoulder before leaning down close.

“You don’t have to speak to those officers without a lawyer.” Yeah right, like I could afford one.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Listen, honey, the Porters have pull in this town and can spin this any way they like.”

“But—” I can’t begin to wrap my mind around that. I’m the victim here.

“They could say you took the drugs yourself and that you came on to Nathan.” My heart starts to race, and the monitor beeps faster as I understand what she’s telling me.

“I don’t know what to do,” I admit because I feel lost.

“Your lawyer already called and is on her way, but she’s in the city, so I’d wait for her to get here before you talk to anyone.”

“My lawyer?”

“Is she awake?” A cop steps into the room.

“You do not barge into one of my patients’ rooms,” Nurse Lori snaps and points at the door. “Out!” I notice another officer behind the first, and he steps back.

“We have questions that need to be answered.”

“I don’t want to answer your questions,” I say, and the officer actually stands up straighter, not liking my response. He probably didn’t see that coming. “I have a lawyer.” Or so I’m told.

“I suggest you go before I call security.” Lori stands her ground, and eventually the officer relents before leaving the room.

“Thank you,” I whisper, and she pats my hand.

“Don’t thank me, honey. I’m here to take care of you.” At least someone is.

“Where’s my mom?”

“You should maybe talk to your lawyer about that too.” Lori’s words are cryptic. What the hell is going on? “If you need me, just push the little red button right here. I have to go check on a few more patients, but I’ll be back.”

I thank her again before she leaves me all alone in the room. As soon as she’s gone, my thoughts go to Tate. I have no idea what happened, only that someone drugged me. I know without a doubt it wasn’t Tate. I also can’t fathom Nathan doing it. I didn’t see him until I went upstairs, and he seemed surprised to see me. I wonder if he thought I was going to tell his wife about him and my mom.


