Sold to the MC Men Read online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 45515 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

“You don’t mind me touching anything?” she asked.

“No. You do what you need to do.” He leaned against the doorframe, trying to appear relaxed, and he didn’t know how to pull it off.

She didn’t look his way. Her cleaning supplies were on the floor, and every now and then she hummed as she worked. It was the sweetest sound, and he would gladly listen to her do it all day long.

She’d been with them nearly a week now. He couldn’t believe Dig had gotten in first with asking her to clean his bedroom.

Edge didn’t have a single speck of dust in his room. The entire clubhouse was now the same.

Leah was amazing, and now as she worked in his bedroom, he caught her smiling.

“What is it?” he asked.

“You’ve got the cleanest bedroom out of everyone. I think the only other person was Tank, but he liked to throw junk into drawers. I cleaned them out for him.”

“You can have a look,” he said.

“You don’t mind?”

“Not at all.”

She opened up his drawers and chuckled. “You’re so neat. Everything is pristine and folded neatly.”

“I don’t like mess or chaos. When you have either, bad shit happens.”

“True. I don’t like it after all of my stuff was stored in a black bag. My clothes always had creases in them. I was so happy when I purchased my very first iron. I get it. I really do.”

She closed the drawer, and as she went toward his bottom one, he moved quickly.

“You really don’t want to see in that one.” He made sure her hands were out of the way before he used his foot to kick the drawer closed.

“You’re hiding something?”

“Not hiding. You’re not ready to see it.” He liked to have a range of sex toys. He’d made a purchase the other day after he’d watched her cleaning and seeing how easily she fit between them all.

Each of his men was besotted with her, and Edge would be lying to everyone, including himself, because he felt the same with her, which did in fact startle him. He’d never fallen for a woman, ever. There was no wife waiting in the background or any bastard kids he’d sired.

It was just him.

Not that any of the other guys had that problem, either.

They didn’t.

“Not ready to see it?” she asked. “What kind of things could I not be ready to see?”

It was so tempting to show her, to touch her body, to bring her close to that final peak, and watch her explode. He did neither.

“When you’re ready, I’ll know.”

Her gaze went to his lips, but she didn’t kiss him.

“Okay.” She stepped away from him, her hands clasped together. “I don’t need to do anything to your room, Edge. It’s all looking really fine to me.”

He wasn’t ready for her to leave, but unless he frightened her, he didn’t have anything for her.

“What do you like to do in your spare time?” she asked, surprising him.

“My spare time?”

“Yeah. I love to cook and read. I sometimes like to watch a movie. What do you enjoy doing?”

“Drinking, fuck … I mean, drinking, having a good time. Playing games.”

“You were going to say sex,” she said.

He looked down at his shoes.

“I can handle sex talk, Edge. I’m a virgin, but that doesn’t mean I’ve been sheltered. Far from it. One of the jobs I worked last year was in a bar. It was one of those places where you had to wear low-cut tops. I got it because I have big tits. Anyway, a lot of the guys weren’t exactly gentlemen.” She glanced down at his drawer. “I think you’d be surprised at exactly what I know.” She picked up her cleaning supplies. “I better go and make dinner.”

“What kind of things did they ask you?” Edge asked.

She paused in the doorway. “You really want to know?”

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.”

“Fair enough. They would ask me to flash them. How they’d love to have my tits around their dick and spunk all over my chest. How I felt about licking their cum off another girl’s chest or having one of them do it to mine. If I’d be game for anal or even fisting. The dirtier the better. It was the way it was. I didn’t last long in the job. I refused to let them touch me or to give free blowjobs in the toilet. Excuse me.”

He watched her go.

The men who had talked to her like that better hope he never found them. If he did, he’d take care of them and they’d never be able to fucking walk when he was done with them.

As he sat down on the edge of his bed, the scent of her surrounded him. She wasn’t supposed to complicate things, but here she was, walking around the clubhouse, her ass swaying to whatever song she was humming, cleaning their stuff, and just being so damn adorable and sexy.


