Stay with Me – The Moran Brothers Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 91925 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 460(@200wpm)___ 368(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

My parents were notified and snuck into the hospital, but it was Rem who I wanted to see. She was the first person I thought of. I wanted to be engulfed in her scent and the warmth of her body on top of mine.

“Five months,” I murmur.

Can I get her to love me in five months? Because I’d give this shit up for her. I know the real reason she runs from me.

I’m not safe. Her parents have raised her in this bubble. The first sight of danger sends Rem running every time.

I’m dangerous. Her words, not mine.

“You’re still young. You’ll land on your feet.”

I look up at Captain Ross as his words pull me from my thoughts. I tighten my fists and nod, accepting the truth. Even after five months, I don’t think I’ll be wearing a badge.

“One more thing, Moran.”


“You know you can’t share anything about this case with anyone, not even your parents. That means all this—the leave, the shooting, and everything else surrounding the case are confidential.”

“Like you really need to tell me that,” I snort.

“Another reason I’m going to miss you. These new knuckleheads they’re sending me have shit for brains. For what it’s worth, it was great working with you.”

The finality in his words is like a bitter pill being forced down my throat. I stand and leave, feeling like my air has been cut off. However, I know exactly where I plan to go next.


I stare out the window of my office lost in thought. Copyright law can be boring as fuck, but it’s safe. Safer than my years as a prosecutor.

I frown as Knight comes to mind. Those years are a reminder I need. I need to remember why I can never get involved with him.

“Good to see you, Prosecutor Walden,” Officer Moran said as he walked by me with a smile on his lips.

I returned the smile and nodded my head as I continued toward the courthouse. This was the first time I’d needed a detail for a case. I thought my boss was overreacting. A few death threats written on paper were just some coward’s way of trying to place fear in me.

I turned to look behind me at Officer Moran and his partner. My lips turned up when I found Officer Moran with his eyes glued to my ass. I couldn’t deny that he was one fine ass cop. Blue looks good on him.

Suddenly, everything in the atmosphere shifted. Those blue eyes widened in alarm as he rushed toward me. A loud popping sound rung out at the same time. I fell to the ground and he fell on top of me.

Blood. There was blood. My heart raced as the reality of what was happening hit. More shots rang out and stone from the pillars exploded around us.

I turned my head to see two men in masks trying to aim for me. All the air left my lungs. Officer Moran’s heavy breathing became so loud in my ears.

“Stay down,” he commanded, lifting his body from mine to aim his gun and fire.

I shake the memories away as cold sweat breaks out across my back. I didn’t think I was going to survive that day. Those bullets were meant for me.

Knight and I have been bound to each other in some weird way since that day. I almost fell down the rabbit hole last night. That pull he has on me almost won out.

Thank God, his phone rang. It was like having cold water thrown on me. So many times, his phone went off in the middle of the night calling him to the streets.

Even though he wasn’t my boyfriend, I sat driving myself crazy, waiting for him to check in and let me know he was safe.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were thinking about me.”

I turn toward the deep voice to find Knight standing in the threshold of my office with a brown bag in his hand. He holds it up. I lift a brow.

“What are you doing here?”

“I went to your favorite place. I got you some Sushi,” he answers.

“Okay, but … why?”

“Because it’s been too long. I want to catch up, but you ran off last night before we could,” he says and shrugs, moving into my office.

He places the bag on my desk and starts to unpack it. I shake my head as my stomach gives me away. I should’ve had lunch an hour ago.

I move to my desk and sit. Closing the file in front of me, then I put it away. I refuse to acknowledge that he went to my favorite place. I’m also not going to acknowledge how good he looks, again.

I like the bulk he’s put on. It looks right on him. Not too much, but just enough to make you take a second look, whether out of fear or sexual curiosity.


