Stir – The Sinfully Awakened Series Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 65389 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 327(@200wpm)___ 262(@250wpm)___ 218(@300wpm)

“I do trust you Alex.” he smiles and nods his head before sitting up taking me with him.

“I know, baby.” Then why does he sound so sad? Why the hell do you think? The man just asked you to marry him and leave this inbred, cult town and you tell him you trust him? I thought the dick would make you smarter. SMDH. He lifts me off him. Groaning I try to reach for him, watching as he dresses but not looking at me. Finally, he turns, kisses me quickly before rubbing my cheek and walking out. Oh God is she right? Did I just ruin this?



It has been two weeks since the weekend we spent together and the vision in my head of us living our life that way forever. When she left, the storm started inside of me. My family noticed it immediately and decided to stay out of my way. Smart.

A week ago I asked her if she would leave this town with me and build a life. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t come right out and ask her to marry me, but the insinuation was there. I don’t know what I expected, but she didn’t say yes. She simply told me she trusted me.

“She trusts me. Great.” The same thing I keep repeating to myself for the last week. I won’t lie, my heart corroded a bit that day, pieces of it being eaten up by the guilt and sadness permeating my mind, telling me she doesn’t really want this. Maybe I forced this on her. Have I been so demanding and tunnel visioned that I missed the signs that this is not really what she wants?

Such a fucking asshole. Here I am upset she might not want to be my wife, but not feeling guilt that I have been doing my damndest to knock her the fuck up. What a douche.

School has been pretty much the same. I walk her everywhere. She waits for me. We go home. It’s quiet. Too quiet. Outside of school, I have not seen much of her. I don’t know if it is my pride or if I no longer feel sure anymore that she is in it like me, but I have been distant and I know it.

Hell, I see it in her eyes every morning when she looks at me. Her blue orbs begging me to reassure her, make her feel the unbridled obsession I inundated her with in the beginning. I know I am hurting her, but I also know someone is on to us and right now, keeping her safe is more important.

Last Sunday, my parents walked out to go shopping and found a note taped to the front door.

"Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8 ESV.

Sure he could have been talking about either of my brothers and his daughters for that matter, but whoever it was also left at the front door, a picture of Imogen and I kissing outside of school. That fucking rattled me to my core.

I went back and forth about it being bitchboy from school, or even the principal but I ruled him out. If it is Evan, perhaps he hasn’t said anything to her father yet and this was a warning. But what is fucking with me is, if it is her father, what would he do to her?

Right now I can only surmise no one suspects my cock has marked her pussy, and throat and fertilized her. So she is safe. But if I am caught coming and going, that could put her in danger and I would set this fucking town ablaze if something happened to her.

So, outside of school I have been keeping my distance. I have been busy trying to find all I can on my enemies. I need this to be easy for her and without pain, both physically and emotionally. Kicking my bike stand up, I grab my jacket and keys and hop on.

“Alex, where are you going?” My father asks, concerned. My parents were alarmed by the message and their immediate reaction was to go to the police. I begged them not to, insisting I had it handled. But now, whenever I am not in front of them, they panic. I had to agree to share my location with them at all times.

“To follow a lead.” He crosses his arms and widens his stance.

“Alex, nothing is worth..”

“Don't finish that fucking sentence, Papi. Not one more damn word. What wouldn’t you have done to make Mami yours when you met her?” He rolls his eyes because he knows I have him. My parents love story is one filled with money, bigotry, lust, instalove, pregnancy, breeding and elopement. Did I mention shunning? She left everything to be with him. After a few seconds, his shoulders drop.


