Sweet Collide Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 129323 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 647(@200wpm)___ 517(@250wpm)___ 431(@300wpm)

“Fuck,” Mike swears under his breath.

The crowd might be here for some Hollywood star, but this guy used the mob to his advantage to sneak in and go after Aiden.

He knows about him.

I turn quickly toward Mike. “What do we do?”

He blinks several times, biting his lip, lost in thought.

“It was Billy,” I say. “He all but admitted that this would happen.”

Mike lowers his head, shaking. “This isn’t Billy.” He looks back up. “It’s your mother.”

Aiden flinches at the mention of her.

“That bitch,” Mike says. “I swear to God, if I get my hands on her.” His words trail off because I’m too focused on Aiden.

“Was this your family problem? She threatened this. You?”

He nods. “I’ve been paying her a shit ton of money to keep her away.” His head falls back on a deep sigh. “I recently cut her off and told her there would be no more.” He huffs a humorless laugh. “She threatened to expose me.”

“You should’ve allowed me to take care of it,” Mike says, sounding beyond angry. “You never listen to me where she’s concerned.”

“Stop,” Aiden snaps. “Right now, I don’t want to hear another word. I want to get the fuck out of this place.”

Aiden’s practically shaking. I grab his hand and squeeze, letting him know I’m here. I won’t leave his side.

Seeing the hold that woman still has over Aiden makes me murderous. I vow here and now that I’ll find her myself. She won’t get near him ever again.



I wanna vomit.

My palms are sweaty, and my head is spinning.

How could she do this?

That broken child in me hoped that I’d be more important to her than money. That all the threats had just been a desperate attempt to see how far she needed to push, to get me to cooperate. I thought when I finally put my foot down and refused, she’d back off—all talk, no action.

I was wrong.

She has only ever cared about one thing. Herself.

Drugs, alcohol…whatever provided a quick fix of dopamine.

She’s a piece of shit, and I swear I’m done.

Done chasing her love.

Done being surprised by her selfishness.

Just fucking done.

Mike got the bastard removed and staff from the hotel helped to usher us to the safety of the Town Car without incident. We’re heading toward my house, Cassidy, Mike, and I all in the same vehicle, nobody speaking.

It’s been like this since we left.

Nobody knows what to say.

Mike’s been on his phone typing away, likely working on damage control with my publicist.

“What a fucking mess. He’s going to run with this story as far as he can go,” Mike grumbles, throwing his phone to the seat. “We need to get ahead of this.”

I huff a humorless laugh. “Damage is done, don’t ya think? What can we possibly say?”

“We can spin this. Make it solely about pre-game rituals. Really push your superstition.”

Cassidy squirms next to me, and I look over to see that she’s chewing on her bottom lip.

What’s going on with her? I know it might be in part from the bastard reporter, but it’s more than that. I know it. I also know that she likely doesn’t want to discuss it in front of Mike, so I don’t ask. We’ll be home soon enough, and I’ll ask her then.

“How do you want to handle this, Slate?” Mike asks again.

“I want to get some sleep. To think on it,” I say, running a hand back through my hair, hating the products that have it stiff. The need to shower and wash it and this fucking shit show of a night down the drain is at the top of my must-do list. “Just have Jane make a statement that the information was given by an unreliable source. A mother who I’ve been estranged from for years. Throw her in the river for all I fucking care. Air her drug addiction. Then tell them I’ll make a formal statement regarding all of this by midafternoon tomorrow.”

“That won’t be soon enough, Aiden. He’ll push. His social media post is already going viral. By morning, it will make national news. They’ll want your side of the story.”

“Too fucking bad, Mike. I pay you and Jane a massive amount of money to handle this shit. Handle it. Buy me the fucking time I need.”

I’m spiraling, and Mike can see it.

His hard features soften, and he nods.

“I’ll take care of it.”

The car pulls up to my apartment, and I’m desperate to get inside. To shut out the world and all the gossip swirling around about me.

“Get some rest and call me when you’re prepared to discuss this,” Mike says and turns toward the driver. “I need you to drop me off at the office.”

I feel horrible. Mike will be up all night dealing with this. He won’t sleep.

Not that I will.

The second we get inside my place, I’ll turn on the television and torture myself with every single bit of bullshit they’re spewing, courtesy of the woman who carried me.


