Taming the Lion (The Misfit Cabaret #4) Read Online Aria Cole

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors: Series: The Misfit Cabaret Series by Aria Cole

Total pages in book: 33
Estimated words: 30287 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 151(@200wpm)___ 121(@250wpm)___ 101(@300wpm)

I don’t know how to stop it.

Suddenly, cutting through the haze, I hear Alex’s voice. Strong. Steady. Certain.

“You’ve got this, Sophia.”

His voice snaps me back to the present. I blink, my mind clawing its way out of the darkness. The chaos of the circus floods back in—Zeus snarling, the crew scrambling, the audience’s confused shouts. But none of it matters. All I focus on is Alex.

Our eyes lock from across the ring, and there’s something in his gaze—something that grounds me, pulls me out of the paralysis. He’s not giving me promises. He’s not telling me it’s going to be okay. He’s reminding me who I am.

“You’ve always had this,” he calls again, his voice cutting through the noise like a lifeline.

I inhale sharply, the air burning in my lungs as I shake off the fear that was threatening to consume me. He’s right. I’ve always had this. I’ve been through worse. I’ve faced down trauma, betrayal, and loss, and I’ve survived it all. I’m not the scared girl I used to be.

I’m in control now.

With a surge of determination, I turn back to Zeus. He’s watching me, waiting for my command, his massive body coiled with tension. My voice, which felt trapped in my throat moments ago, comes out steady, strong.

“Zeus, stay with me,” I say, my tone sharp, cutting through the chaos.

The lion responds instantly, his focus narrowing as he tunes out the surrounding confusion. We move together, seamlessly, as we’ve done so many times before. His strength is mine. His power flows through me, and I can feel it in every fiber of my being.

I step forward, my heart no longer racing in fear but beating with purpose. I call out to Zeus again, directing him to the far side of the ring, away from the villains trying to corner him. His movements are smooth, precise, and I can see the crew stumbling in their attempts to wrangle him. They’re panicking now, realizing they’ve lost the upper hand.

The control is back in my hands.

With each command, Zeus follows, his powerful body moving effortlessly to evade capture. He’s not a victim here—neither of us are. The villains scramble, their plan unraveling before their eyes as they try to regain control of the situation, but it’s too late.

“You’re not taking him,” I mutter under my breath, my eyes blazing with focus. “Not today.”

Behind me, I hear Alex moving closer, his presence solid, a constant reminder that I’m not in this alone. His support is there, steady but unobtrusive, letting me take the lead. And for the first time in a long time, I realize I’m okay with that. I don’t have to fight this battle by myself.

I glance at Alex briefly, the tension between us still thick, still unresolved, but it’s different now. It’s not about mistrust. It’s about something deeper—something I’m not ready to name, but it’s there, undeniable.

Zeus lets out a low growl as one of the masked figures reaches for him again, but I’m quicker.

“Back, Zeus,” I command, and the lion moves away from the man, his huge frame dwarfing the clumsy crew member.

I know we’re winning. I can feel it. The tide has turned, and the villains are retreating, their plan crumbling under the weight of our combined strength. For the first time in this nightmare, I see a way out. A way to keep Zeus safe, to protect what I’ve built here.

And more than that—I see a future where I’m not constantly running from my past.

Alex steps beside me, his hand brushing mine for just a second. The touch is brief, but it sends a jolt through me, a reminder that there’s more to fight for here than just the circus.

As the last of the crew scrambles to escape, I turn to Alex, breathless but steady. The adrenaline is still coursing through my veins, but it’s not fear anymore. It’s power. I’m in control, and for the first time in a long time, I feel it.

“You did it,” Alex says softly, his voice filled with admiration.

“No,” I correct, my eyes still locked on Zeus as the lion paces beside me. “We did.”

He gives me a look—one filled with something deeper than just gratitude or relief. It’s something that makes my heart beat faster, something that makes me feel seen in a way I haven’t allowed myself to be in years.

The crowd, still mostly unaware of the true danger, erupts into applause, thinking they’ve just witnessed an extraordinary act. But I know the truth.

I’ve won something more important than just this battle. I’ve won against the fear that’s haunted me for so long.

And as Alex stands beside me, that tension between us still simmering, I know this fight—our fight—is far from over.

The roar of the audience fills the tent, a sound that should feel familiar, comforting even, but tonight it’s laced with something darker. The circus is alive with chaotic energy, a frenzied pulse that matches my own racing heart. The performance still swirls around us, oblivious to the storm about to break. Zeus is back by my side, his body radiating strength and calm, but my mind is locked on one person.


