The Bitter Truth Read Online Shanora Williams

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Suspense, Thriller Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 89840 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 449(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

When Jolene finalized her divorce in between the trials, it only took two weeks for Samuel and Jolene to be seen together in public. To everyone looking in from the outside, they were simply friends supporting one another from the beginning, and that relationship blossomed to more the night of the cabin. It only makes sense that they grew closer after everything. Many people bond through trauma. Shavonne and I did and look at us now, closer than ever.

The public takes one look at Jolene and Samuel, and they have stars in their eyes. They’re survivors. Samuel is strong and wonderful for taking initiative and trusting his gut (as a governor should do) and Jolene is a powerhouse for facing her husband, despite possibly being hurt or even killed in the process. Sure, the story makes us look like saplings, but Dominic is in jail, and everyone hates him and that’s all I ever wanted. Well, that and to shoot him. Yes, I know it’s over with but still. Just one little bullet would’ve satisfied me.

“You must have another interview lined up,” I say as Jolene approaches the table. “You look really nice.”

She sets her purse down in front of one of the chairs, then rests a hand on her hip. “Actually, no. I had one this morning but haven’t gotten the chance to change. I had things to do before coming here.” She and Samuel pass a knowing glance.

I sit up straighter in my chair.

“Anyway,” Jolene says, “There’s a reason I wanted all of us to gather in this room again. The last time we were here, we were all a bit down, right? We felt hopeless or useless, but I promised that was going to change.”

Shavonne sips her drink, eyeing Jolene who digs into her purse and pulls out two white envelopes. She slides them across the table, to me and Shavonne. Both are labeled in her cursive handwriting with our names on them.

“What is this?” Shavonne asks, hesitant to pick it up.

I swallow, setting my champagne glass down and grabbing the envelope with my name on it.

“Open it,” Jolene says with a warm smile.

I blink at her before sighing and opening the top flap. Then I gasp when I pull out the check inside. It’s made out to me, Brynn Wallace, and it’s twenty thousand dollars. Shavonne sees hers and squeals so loudly it hurts my ears.

“WHAT? Jolene, what is this?” Shavonne shrieks. She places the check down on the table in front of her, smoothing it out despite there being no creases on it. I’m almost positive Shavonne has never seen a number this big made out to her.

I shift my eyes to Jolene who clasps her hands together while Samuel drapes an arm over her shoulder with a proud smile. “I know you girls didn’t want to take on all that publicity during Dominic’s criminal trial. I totally understand why you didn’t. The people never would’ve left you alone and you two like your private lives. I promised myself I would do them so that any money I made from them, I could give to you.” Samuel clears his throat and Jolene glances up at him. “And, of course, I can’t forget that Sam agreed with me that it was the right thing to do.”

My heart races as I study the check. Jolene shifts on her feet when I look up, her eyes wide as she eagerly waits for my response. Shavonne is over the moon, I know it. There’s so much she can do with twenty grand. But to me this is just . . . wow.

Jolene gives Samuel a wary glance before saying, “Also, um, this is only one of many checks to come. The total amount of money you’ll receive from me is one million dollars.”

“Each?” Shavonne gasps.

Jolene smiles and nods. “Each. I can only give so much before the IRS comes to bite me in the butt,” she laughs.

All I can do is stare at her because I can’t figure out if this is real. I’ll be honest, after the cabin thing, I still didn’t fully trust Jolene. And when she did all those interviews and took that publishing deal, she seemed so selfish for doing it. Yes, she gave us credit and mentioned us, but all of it felt wrong. But now I see . . . she did it for us. Just like she’d had our backs at the cabin. All this time, I thought she was some selfish rich lady with daddy issues. I was wrong, and I feel horrible for judging her. She never asked me for anything.

That night in the cabin, I was afraid of her, but only because I was unaware of her plan. I realize now that my lack of trust in her and my wariness was because of my lack of trust in the world and within myself. I still don’t know who I am. Dominic ripped my former self away and I loved that younger version of Brynn. But a new one has developed, and I don’t know her all that well. But with this check in front of me, perhaps I can figure her out. Give her a shot.


