The Boyfriend Comeback (The Boyfriend Zone #1) Read Online Lauren Blakely

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Boyfriend Zone Series by Lauren Blakely

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 117872 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 589(@200wpm)___ 471(@250wpm)___ 393(@300wpm)

He opens his eyes and nods. “When you started texting me, I changed into blue briefs. What can I say? I was hopeful.”

I drop my face to his dick, mouthing at his cock through the fabric, rubbing my cheek against his erection, kissing him through the last layer of his clothes.

Fire erupts in me, an instant blaze, as I tease him with my mouth.

His fingers slide through my hair, tightening around the strands. He urges me on with his noises. Soon, he’s panting, then begging, “Fuck, Beck. Take them off.”

I reach for the waistband, then slide down the briefs. His dick springs free, slapping against his stomach, hard and proud.

He wants me; there’s no question. But I need more from him. “I want to suck you off exactly how you want it. I don’t want to do what I like. I want what you like, okay?”

He nods quickly and answers breathlessly. “Don’t touch my dick yet. Just tease me. My thighs. My chest. My balls.”

“Oh fuck,” I grunt as my dick twitches in my jeans. “I will.”

He’s sexier than my dreams, asking me to toy with him. I dip my face to his thighs, slide my hands up his strong legs, and rub my stubble against him as I touch all around his dick.

I cup his balls, weighing them in my hand and drawing a decadent moan from him.

Jason grabs my other hand and guides it upward, so my palm roams across his ridiculously hard abs before sliding over his chest.

“Yessss,” he groans, then lifts his hips, trying to get his dick even closer to me. “You’re driving me crazy.”

I’m driving him crazy?

He’s driving me crazy.

He’s teaching me how to drive him crazy.

I keep up the torture with my hands for another minute until Jason is writhing on the couch. “Fuuuuuck.” He slams a hand on my head and shoves my face against his dick. “Get your mouth on me now.”

I lick a long stripe up his shaft, tasting a man for the first time.

My brain scrambles.

I can’t process how good this is. My mind is a complete haze of sex and mystery, but through it all, I manage one question: “Is this okay?”

He pushes his length toward my mouth. “Yes. Now lick the head of my dick, Beck.”

It’s barely a command. It’s more like a plea. I’ve hardly touched him, and he’s helpless.

His excitement is the biggest aphrodisiac in the world.

I wrap my hand around the base, then I draw the blunt head of his dick into my mouth . . . and wow.


He’s everything I’ve imagined and more.

His hands jump to my head, and I tense. For a second, I expect him to go full porn star and jackhammer my mouth. “Jason,” I whisper as he threads his fingers more tightly through my hair.

His eyes float open. He looks drunk. “Yes?”

“I don’t know if I can . . . you know . . . take you deep,” I say as I swirl my tongue along the crown.

“Don’t have to. I’m gonna come really soon. Just suck me and use your hand. I swear that’s all you have to do,” he says, sounding as if he’s drowning in breath and words.

I’m drowning, too, in lust and discovery.

I’m learning so many new things. Top among them is that Jason loves a good, long tease.

I give his shaft a pump with my fist while bringing him deeper into my mouth.

“Fuck, yes,” he mutters, his eyes slamming shut. Then he opens them like he’s fighting with himself. “Want to watch you suck a dick for the first time.”

I nearly come right there.

Don’t know if it’s his dirty talk, his filthy gaze, or the taste of his lust. But every single thing is working for me.

“Wow,” he murmurs as I go.

Wow, I think, as I watch his face twist with pleasure.

It’s heady to witness his slack-jawed lust. “I’m close. Want me to pull out?”

I shake my head, but then I realize that if he likes to talk during sex, maybe he likes to listen too. For a hot second, I let him fall from my lips so I can tell him in a whispered breath: “Want to taste your come.”

Jason shudders, then pushes my shoulder down, urging me back onto his dick. I draw him deep until he’s panting, gasping. His hand slides between my shoulder blades. He gives one firm pump, then grunts out a coming.

I do my best to relax my throat, tasting his release.

“Holy shit,” he mutters, and for long, blissful seconds, he basks in the afterglow, panting and breathing hard.

Then he laughs softly, opens his eyes, and reaches for me. “Get up here.”

I climb into his lap again, waiting for what’s next. He runs his thumb over my lower lip like he’s admiring the handiwork of my mouth. Finally, he speaks in a soft, tender voice. “What did you think?”


