The CEO’s Revenge Read Online Georgia Le Carre

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 77220 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 386(@200wpm)___ 309(@250wpm)___ 257(@300wpm)

“She thinks I cheated on her.”

Priscilla’s eyes widened. “Did you?”

I looked her right in the eye as I’d always done. “Never.”

“So why would she think that you cheated on her?”

“Let me start from the beginning.”

“That would be best.”

“As you know, I got out of prison a few months ago.”

“I had heard about that and I have to say I was shocked. I wanted to come see you or even attend the trial but then ummm, I had to see to an issue with Savannah around the same time.”

“She told me about the miscarriage.”

“Good. You know I don’t like to mince my words. I hope you forgive me for not reaching out when I’m sure you needed someone in your corner, but I’m sure you understand now why I could not.”

I nodded. “There’s nothing to forgive. Robert set me up.”

“Robert? Robert Steinberg?”

“The same. We had a business together.”

“Somehow I never connected the dots. Anyway, go on with the story.”

“Since my release I’ve been working on getting evidence. I have some documents which show duplicates of checks that Robert signed, but on the copy my signature has been forged. The books also show that the money did in fact go missing, but the payout was authorized by me. My inside link is still working on getting me the other documents I need so that I can make a report and have him arrested. Based on what I hear, in the last four years, these trumped-up embezzlement charges are child’s play in comparison to what he’s been up to.”

“But what does this have to do with why Savannah wants to have nothing to do with you?”

“On top of the embezzlement, he also set me up with a prostitute and had pictures taken. By his own admission, he had me drugged and a photoshoot was staged. Again, by his own admission, he planted the pictures of me and the other woman in my desk. Then he orchestrated a chain of events which led to Savannah finding the pictures. Because I was already arrested for embezzlement I could not defend myself.”

“And a few days later she miscarried,” she muttered almost to herself. “Oh! You poor dears! And all these years she’s blamed you.”

“I’m not blameless either. I’ve resented her for abandoning me in my time of need.”

“You have to tell her that Robert set you up with that woman, Max.”

“I didn’t know about the photos until recently. Robert’s plan was to ensure that if he couldn’t have Savannah, neither could I.”

“Really now.”

I nodded bitterly. “He’s ruined my reputation and he’s almost ruined my relationship. I will get Savannah back and once I’ve done that, God help him because I will sink him if it’s the last thing I do. And you best believe that I’m working damn hard on it as well.”

“I believe every word you have said, Max.”

“I do take some consolation in the fact that after everything Robert did he still was not able to get Savannah.”

“I didn’t raise a stupid daughter. Stubborn and willing to cut off her damn nose to spite her face, but her heart is in the right place.”

“I know that now.”

“Good. Now let’s figure out how to get Savannah to see the truth.”

“Robert didn’t pull this all off himself, though. He had help. He mentioned my previous secretary. She was fired shortly after my arrest, but I have hired a private investigator to track her down.”

“I’m rooting for you, Max.”

“Thank you, Priscilla. You have no idea how much good this conversation has done for me.”

“You’re welcome, Max. Now give me a hug and kiss.”

I took my leave shortly afterwards.

Monday morning found me in a quaint little café downtown.

As I waited for Byron, my private investigator, I nursed a cup of coffee. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as he slid into the booth behind me. It turned out that Lillian lived just an hour away.

I left work early on Friday to beat the rush hour traffic and arrived at the address Byron gave me in good enough time. I parked across the street and waited.

It was getting close to dusk by the time I saw any movement from the house. A car pulled into the driveway and I craned my neck to see who it was. I made out Lilian’s wild curls immediately.

Just as I was about to approach the house, the door opened and Lillian emerged with a dog on a leash. Bruno. She still had Bruno. I gave him to her as a puppy. But look at him now.

I watched them as they walked down the driveway. Suddenly Bruno’s ears perked up and he turned and looked across the street. He sniffed the air.

“Woof! Woof! Woof!”

“Come on, Bruno. Leave the squirrels alone.”

I rolled down my window.

“I think he smells me, Lillian.”


