The Charmer (The Vers Podcast #4) Read Online Riley Hart

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Vers Podcast Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 79308 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 397(@200wpm)___ 317(@250wpm)___ 264(@300wpm)

“See you out there.”

The ceremony was about to start, so I made my way to Kai and Sebastian. We stayed clear of the white-cloth walkway laid down on the sand. There were bamboo chairs on each side. Arches were evenly placed down the aisle, lights and lanterns strung between them for the perfect evening ceremony. Calla lilies were everywhere, on the chairs, the arches, the tables, making the decor both elegant and beachy. It all went perfectly with the small string orchestra playing soft music in the background.

People were already filling the chairs, the front rows left open for Elliott’s and Parker’s families, and the three of us.

From everything I’d heard, this was Parker’s dream come true, and I couldn’t be happier for him.

“I can’t believe the day is finally here,” Kai said as we took our seats.

“It’s beautiful,” Sebastian added. “Declan has been beside himself, afraid something would go wrong on Parker and Elliott’s day.”

“It won’t,” I promised.

“It’s beautiful, but I’m so never doing this,” Kai teased.

“No? I’d marry Corbin in a second.” But then, everyone’s idea of a happily ever after was different. I didn’t subscribe to the notion that marriage made people’s love more real or forever.

“Marcus and I have talked about it, but we’re not sure it’s what we want. If we do, it would just be us somewhere… We’d throw a big party afterward, but the ceremony and all this, it wouldn’t be what we wanted. I guess time will tell. I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with him regardless.” Kai turned to Sebastian. “What about you guys?”

“We’ve talked about it. We wouldn’t do something this big,” Sebastian replied. The ceremony wasn’t huge. It was definitely intimate, but even so, I could see it being too much for Declan. “We’re actually talking about doing it next year at my parents’ farm in Idaho. We have time to figure it out.”

It didn’t surprise me that they had already had the conversation, but like they said, there was no rush. We were all in it for the long haul.

Once everyone was settled, the music changed, and not to traditional wedding music. I was pretty sure it was a Taylor Swift song. Corbin walked over and stood at the front, a smile on his face that still stole my breath. How was this beautiful man all mine?

He signaled for everyone to stand, which we did, turning to watch as Elliott, flanked by his parents, walked down the aisle. His mom was already crying. She kissed Elliott, then took a seat with her husband.

Declan and Vaughn, Elliott’s best friend, followed. Vaughn went to stand beside Elliott, Declan on Parker’s side. Behind them were Marcus and another friend of Elliott’s, each getting into their place.

I watched Elliott when the smile took over his face. I swear I heard his breath hitch and saw his eyes well up. When I turned, it was to see Parker coming to join him, his dad walking beside him. Love crackled in the air, the two of them watching each other, a world of happiness in Parker’s gaze.

Parker’s dad took a seat, and Elliott immediately reached out to cup Parker’s face, before leaning in and kissing him. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself,” Elliott said.

“Fucking swoon,” Corbin replied, before his eyes bugged out, like he hadn’t meant to speak. Everyone laughed, including the grooms.

“See? I knew we made the right call having Corb perform the ceremony.” Parker grinned.

Corbin cleared his throat, then charmed us all as he married his best friend to the man of his dreams.

The whole time, I couldn’t take my eyes off the man of mine.

* * *

It was after midnight. Everyone except the Beach Bums and the Poddies had left a little over an hour before. We’d danced and partied for hours, celebrating Elliott and Parker’s day, but as planned, all of us were staying at Marcus and Kai’s house tonight. Parker wanted all his people together before he and Elliott left for their honeymoon the next day.

We were sitting around the firepit, all of us still in our wedding attire.

Kai was on Marcus’s lap. Sebastian held Declan’s hand. Corbin was tucked beneath my arm, similarly to how Parker was tucked beneath Elliott’s.

“This was the best day of my life,” Parker said softly during a lull in the conversation. “I’m so happy. I know I’ve been married for over a year, but tonight…I can’t believe Elliott is mine. And I can’t believe all of you are mine too.” He swiped at his eyes.

“Aww, beautiful. Did you drink too much and now you’re emotional?” Elliott teased him.

“Yes. I can’t help it. You’re not allowed to make fun of me on our wedding night.”

Elliott kissed him. “I can tease you a little, just because I love you and you’re so fucking adorable and perfect, even when you’re drunk.”


