The Current Between Us Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 113741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 569(@200wpm)___ 455(@250wpm)___ 379(@300wpm)

“Then all we can do is pick up patrols and keep our eyes open for something we don’t even know about. And should your men get in an altercation, we won’t be able to distinguish them from the perpetrators. Everyone will be going to jail at that point,” the chief said.

“It’s fine. My men know what to do. They’ve been with me for years. Once I can tell you more, I’ll call you directly. Until then, please increase the patrols around the Cooper household.”

“We will, but I expect a call as soon as you possibly can. I don’t like my men going in with blinders,” the chief said. Gage nodded, staying quiet. This wasn’t his first rodeo with law enforcement. He knew they liked to be the ones in control, but he wasn’t gonna give it to them, so he stayed quiet. He went to shake the chief’s hands when the front door burst open, banging loudly. All three of them turned toward the door, where Em stood looking shocked the door had opened so easily. Rhonny stood right behind her, stepping inside, checking to see if Em broke anything.

“Excuse me, please,” Gage said and never looked back at the chief or Hopkins, going straight to Em. Her little face beamed when she saw him.

“I’m sorry I banged the door,” Em said, rooted to her spot, which was odd for her. She usually stayed on the run; a launch-yourself-at-whatever kind of kid.

“It’s fine, sweetheart,” he said. Em looked straight at him, smiling, but Rhonny stood back solemn faced and wouldn’t look him directly in the eye.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” Gage asked, deciding Em was the more likely of the two to speak, and dropped down, bending at the knee, coming to Em’s eye level.

“I made you this present and Daddy said you weren’t gonna come over anymore so Rhonny brought me here to give it to you.” Gage watched her closely as she spoke, her smile fading and her forehead narrowing at the same time pain shot through his heart at her words. It staggered him as loss filled his soul at her uncensored words. He couldn’t help but reach out to her and take her in his arms.

“Did he say that?” Gage asked, bending his head to keep his eyes on hers.

“Yes,” Em said and bit her lip, her brow still narrowed.

“Hmmm… Can I see what you made me?” Gage asked. Em didn’t say anything, but handed him the colored sheet of paper. He looked up at Rhonny who still wouldn’t look at him. She kept her eyes on Em and hovered around the little girl. He could tell Rhonny wasn’t sure about being there, and he guessed he deserved it, but he absolutely hated it.

“Did you color this?” he asked as he glanced at the paper.

“Yes,” Em said, looking at the paper too.

“And you tried to use the different colors I showed you. It looks wonderful, honey. I love this, thank you,” Gage said, looking over the picture. He had no idea what it was supposed to be, but she clearly tried hard, and his heart did a little flip at the love it took for her to color this for him. There were words at the top, but all the letters ran together. All he could make out was the ‘thank you for’… Then the rest all ran together. After a minute, he started reading it out loud.

“Thank you for… What does this say, Emmie?”

“It says, thank you for making my daddy and me and Hunter happy. Right, Rhonny?” Em asked, looking back over her shoulder. Rhonny nodded, giving a small smile, and Em turned back to Gage.

“I had to write the rest on the back.” She took the paper and turned it over, showing the rest of the writing.

“You don’t have to thank me, Emalynn, I love your daddy.” Her little eyes bounded up to his, tears instantly filling them and his heart may as well have physically fallen from his chest with the pain he felt.

“But he doesn’t think you do.”

“Em, I can’t tell you more. This is grown up stuff, but I promise you, I do love him very much, and I’ll call him. Okay?” She nodded, but kept biting her lip, and the tears finally built enough steam to spill down her cheeks. Gage used his thumbs to brush them away and smiled at her. “Your daddy’s very lucky to have you, Emalynn.”

“Em, we need to go,” Rhonny said from behind her.

“Can I have a hug?” Gage asked, and Em nodded wrapping her arms around his neck, squeezing him tight. He closed his eyes, loving this little hug.

“Thank you for my picture,” he said into the hug and embraced her back, keeping her there just a moment longer.

“Goodbye, Gage.”

“Bye, sweetheart.” He wanted to tell her he would see her soon, but after he laid his findings out to Trent, he wasn’t sure Trent would ever have anything to do with him again. He rose and watched as Rhonny and Em left. Rhonny waited until they got outside before she picked Em up, carrying her to the car. Em continued to cry on her shoulder as Rhonny patted her back. He’d already caused this family so much pain, and he hadn’t even given his report yet. Gage kept his eyes on both of them the entire way to the car, and it crushed him to know the part he’d played in putting sad faces on those two lovely girls.


Hours passed and the night grew dark as Gage sat in his office staring at his phone. The photo he’d snapped of Trent at the gallery during the grand opening now shining as his background picture. He would never forget that night for as long as he lived or the man who’d stood by his side for the entire evening. Trent played the perfect host for him. Everyone wanted to know about him and commented on how happy Gage seemed with Trent. Gage never let him get more than a step or two away before he drew Trent back to him. It felt so normal, so natural to have Trent there with him.


