The Heart of Smoke – Shameful Secrets Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Forbidden, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 77775 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

“I bet that was stressful for you knowing his marriage was breaking apart too.”

“I mean, it was dead already,” Callum says with a grunt. “Getting caught with my girlfriend just made it official. Jamie and Dad were staying together no matter what anyone around them thought. They apologized about how it came to be but not for the love between them.”

“And you’ve had to live with their choices ever since.”

“I have. Worse is she ended up pregnant. For a moment, I’d hoped it was with my baby. But the math didn’t add up. I knew we hadn’t had sex in a while. She was having Dad’s baby. Dempsey and Gemma are a daily reminder of that shit.”

I let silence fill the air as we both digest what all we’ve discussed. Finally, I speak up. “Do you think you and Jamie would have truly made it past high school?”

His gaze settles on mine, and he gives me a small shake of his head. “Honestly, no. College was…”

“Your escape,” I finish for him. “You had no plans on taking her and her problems along with you.”

He frowns and studies his shoe for a beat. “I guess that makes me the bad guy then, huh?”

“No,” I say softly. “It makes you human. Besides, look what that shitty turn of events led to.”

A wide grin spreads over his face. “Willa is the love of my life, Tate. We’re having a baby and I…I can’t imagine my life any other way. I’m happy now. For the first time, I’m fucking happy.”

Callum’s shoulders relax. The anger is gone and I can feel his gratitude for Willa shining through. I think I just had a breakthrough with a Park. Wrong Park, but it feels victorious nonetheless.

“You don’t have to forgive them,” I tell him. “I know it hurts still. But I think working on your anger from the situation while appreciating your current relationship will help you feel a lot better. Carrying all that has to be heavy. It’s been a long time.”

He nods and then smirks. “I can see why Dad picked you. You’re pretty damn good at your job.” Then his smile turns evil. “I can’t wait to see you unravel my brother.”

If only it were as simple as a direct conversation in the library.

If only.


I’m an asshole.

I already knew this, but after this morning, I’m surer than ever.

He’s a grown-ass man. He can get in his car, drive wherever he wants, and do anything he pleases. So why did I panic when I actually thought he was doing just that?

Because you like him.

You secretly enjoyed your day with him yesterday.

Tate was certainly pissed at my behavior. But before all that anger and vitriol he spewed at me, his eyes shone with abject terror.


What scares him so terribly that he’d have such a panicked expression and would be ready to bolt? I’d snagged him before he got far and he seemed…relieved to see me.

What are you hiding, Tate?

Who did this to you?

Ever since he left in a fury, I’ve been mulling over both of our actions. Violet gave me the stink eye, which had me holing up in my office like a coward to avoid her. Even my damn cook knows I’m an asshole.

Guilt has long taken over my curiosity about his behavior. Now I just want to look him in the eye and apologize. I was out of line and I know it.

Rather than stalking the internet for more clues about Tate, I sit in my chair by the window, watching over our property. Callum eventually leaves my house. He’s not storming off but eagerly striding back home.

Tate has a positive effect on this family.

And I’m doing my best to blow it.

Before I can make the decision to seek out Tate, my phone buzzes. I don’t recognize the number, but it’s local, so I answer it.

“This is Jude,” I grunt out in greeting.

A deep, vaguely familiar chuckle greets me on the other end of the line. Though it’s older and gruffer, the playful cadence is one I’ll never forget.

“Fuckin’ Baker,” I say before he can speak. “How’d you get my number?”

“Still the same dick from high school, I see,” he throws back. “How the hell are you, man?”

“Dandy,” I deadpan. “How’d you get my number?”

“Your dad. Saw him in town the other day. Said you might like to reconnect.”

Of course. Dad is always meddling, trying to bring me out of the shadow realm and into the human one.


He snorts out another laugh. “Too bad, asswipe. We’re reconnecting whether you like it or not.”

Chatting with my old buddy is better than facing Tate and acknowledging what a douchebag I was earlier. I suppose I can catch up for a few minutes.

“What are you up to these days?” I ask reluctantly. “Coaching high school ball?”

“Nope,” he says, voice growing serious. “After everything that happened to you and, you know…” He trails off. The unspoken words are your mom and they make my heart clench painfully. “Well, I thought I’d become a firefighter.”


