The Homecoming Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57499 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 287(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 192(@300wpm)

My mind was going in too many directions at once, and I knew I needed to settle down so I could take care of this.

I had no doubt that he would try to see her, so that was my first priority’ seeing that he didn’t get anywhere near her. Then I had to figure what part he played in this mess.

"I have to go princess, you sure you're gonna be okay?"

She nodded her head before burying it in my chest. I gave her one last tight squeeze before walking away. If I stayed there any longer, I wouldn't leave and I had a lot to do.

After a quick word with the Spalding men, who were congregated in the den looking all kinds of pissed off, I promised to be back after work, then I headed out.

All the way there I fought an internal battle. The man in me wanted to have an old fashioned schoolyard beat down, but the tenets of my profession dictated that I couldn't go there, not yet.

My hands were tied until the case was cleared. But as for investigating his ass and bringing him down, that was a go.


I couldn't be objective; by all rights I should pass this off to one of my men, because I know I'm going in looking for guilt.

I know this and yet I won't do it, I had to handle this myself. For all the reasons that I shouldn't be handling it!

I was too close to the situation. If not handled correctly, this could all blow up in my face. I'll just have to see that that doesn't happen.

One thing was still uncertain, why was he here? Was it for Shania or was it for the case, or both? If he tried to contact her...I don't know what I would do, speaking of which, I'd been so thrown off guard by the talk of rape that I had forgotten to talk to her.

She picked up on the second ring when I called.

"Don't talk to him if he calls you."


"Yes princess it's me, did you hear me?"

"Yes, but I don't see why, I'm not afraid of Dorian, I just don't want to be around him. I think I should be the one to talk to him though if he came after me."

"We don't know that that's why he's here, but either way, I don't want you talking to him. No contact whatsoever Shania, I mean it. I don't trust this guy, I don't want you dealing with him at all."

"Donovan, you're being a bit over dramatic don't you think?"

"This man tried to rape you Shania. I don't think there's anyway I can over dramatize here. Please, just do as I say, stay away from Dorian Carter."

"But what if there's something else going on? I can help, you do remember what I do for a living right?"

Shit, that's the last thing we need, her running her own investigation behind the scenes. Why didn't I think of that before?

Knowing her penchant for sticking her nose in, I would be hard pressed to keep her little sexy ass out of the mix.

"Princess please do me a favor, stay out of it, let the law handle it."

"Uh, he is the law."

"Then let me handle it."

"I don't like this, I mean what are the odds that my ex who has never been here before, will suddenly be investigating the murder of a colleague who just happened to wash up on the shores of my hometown? Hmm, I don't believe in coincidence, something's going on, and since I know him I think I could be of help."

"No, absolutely not."

"Donovan, be reasonable." I notice it hadn’t taken her long to switch from spurned ex to investigator.

"You be reasonable, I just finally got you after all these years, do you think I want you embroiled in something like this, something that I know will be dangerous? No way."

"Isn't it dangerous for you too, how do you think I feel knowing that I might've led whatever this is here?"

Dammit, so she’d already pieced that part together, no wonder she was lauded for her work, it hadn’t taken her long to get there.

"It's my job, and that's just crazy talk. You didn't lead anyone anywhere. Let me just look into things okay, I promise to keep you in the loop as much as possible, but you're not involved, no way no how, and if you try anything I'll have your brothers lock you in your room."

She gasped. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me, there isn't anything I wouldn't do to keep you safe, you're my world baby, have been for a long time.

Now that I have more than just the promise of you, now I know you feel the same, I can't lose you. So no more danger okay, for my peace of mind, please."


