The Kindred Warrior’s Captive Bride Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 113058 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

“I don’t understand either, Gods damn me,” Need growled. “All I know is that it makes it Goddess-damned hard to keep my hands off you and keep my vow when you’re constantly as horny as a feline in heat.”

“I’m sorry, my Lord,” Lan’ara whispered. “I know I am a great burden to you. And that you wish to…to be rid of me.”

“I do wish it,” he admitted frankly. “But not because I don’t like you, girl.”

“Is it because…because you like me too much?” Lan’ara asked hesitantly.

He barked a short laugh.

“Among other things. Can’t you tell?” And he drew back his hips and thrust forward again, rubbing the head of his shaft against her clit until Lan’ara gasped and pressed back against him eagerly.

“I…I can tell, my Lord,” she whispered breathlessly. “I’m afraid I’m getting your trousers awfully, er, wet,” she added apologetically.

“Can’t be helped I don’t suppose,” he growled. “Though how I’m supposed to sleep with my shaft hard enough to fuck through plasti-steel from pressing against your soft little pussy all night only the Goddess knows.”

Lan’ara had a sudden thought. A very dangerous thought, whispered a little voice in her head. But it came out of her mouth anyway, before she could stop herself.

“Perhaps you could take your sleep trousers off, my Lord,” she suggested. “That way I wouldn’t get them wet with my…my honey.”

“That would put the naked head of my shaft right against your bare pussy, girl,” he pointed out. “Don’t you think that’s a big risk?”

“Not if…if you’re careful not to enter me,” Lan’ara said. She knew this was a bad idea, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. “You could…could just rub against me until you had a release, my Lord,” she added. “It would feel good for both of us and maybe then you could sleep.”

“So you want me to rub my shaft against your naked, open pussy without actually entering you and fucking you, girl?” he demanded in a low voice. “Want me to spurt my seed all over your belly?”

“If…if you wish to, my Lord.” Lan’ara’s heart was pounding and her breath was coming short. “You own me, you know. If you wish to…to rub against my pussy and come on my belly, I will, of course, be obedient to your desires.”

“I can tell you wish it too,” he growled. “By how sweet and wild your scent is. And by these.” And he tugged her nipples again, making her moan.

“Please, my Lord Need,” she whispered, writhing against him. “Please…”

“Gods—like a feline in heat,” he muttered again and started to pull away. When she gave a sad little cry, he murmured, “Never fear, girl—I’m not leaving you. Just taking off my trousers as you suggested.”

He fumbled under the covers for a moment and then he was back, pressing between her legs once more but this time with nothing between them.

Lan’ara moaned in mingled desire and need as his warm skin made contact with hers. She shifted and parted her thighs for him at once. She even dared to reach between her legs and grasp the hot, hard length of his shaft to guide it where she needed it to go.

“Bold, aren’t you girl?” Need asked, but made no move to stop her as she pressed him with trembling fingers directly against the slick, inner folds of her pussy.

“I never was before—I swear it,” Lan’ara told him breathlessly. “I just…I can’t seem to help myself.”

“It’s all right, girl,” he growled. “I can tell something’s happening to you—though since that Goddess damned Trollox has your file, we’ll never know exactly what. “Use me how you need to—only mind I don’t slip inside. If my shaft entered your tight little pussy, I don’t think I could stop myself from Claiming you. Understand?”

“Yes, my Lord,” she whispered and shifted her hips back, trying to get better contact between them. “Do…do you wish to thrust?” she asked. “Between my thighs, I mean?”

“Like this?” Need pulled back for a moment and then thrust forward, the hard length and broad head of his shaft rubbing against her tender clit with the motion.

“Oh, yes, my Lord!” Lan’ara moaned. “Like that—just like that.”

“Gods, I shouldn’t but…”

And he did it again. And again and again.

Lan’ara moaned and clamped her thighs tightly around him, arching her back and tilting her hips to get maximum contact between them. She was desperately aware that if she tilted too far—shifted too much—the head of his shaft might find her entrance and then the big Kindred’s forward momentum would send his entire thick cock deep into her hungry pussy. And he had warned her that if that happened, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from taking her—from fucking her and filling her with his shaft and his seed.

But somehow, even though she was taking such a risk, Lan’ara couldn’t seem to stop. She knew that Senator Pouncenblast wouldn’t want her anymore if he knew how she was acting—if he ever found out what she had done—but she couldn’t help herself. The hungry flower inside her had unfolded its petals again and it was greedy for sensation—greedy for the feel of the big Kindred’s skin against hers.


