The Life – Rebirth (The Life #4) Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: The Life Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 115272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

Whether he’s given up his quest for revenge or not, knowing him, he’d always feel a sense of responsibility, I’m sure because that’s just the way his mind works. So, as I picked up the mess my kids made from around the room, I made up my mind that from now on, I’m going to protect him if no one else does. Not because I think I owe it to him, but because he deserves it. He deserves to have someone stand, if not in front of him, to stave off the wind, that at least beside him to help carry the load.

I got the kids fed and down for their nap before picking up the phone to text Connie and Ron. I’d already let them know that we were safe, but I felt kind of guilty for leaving them behind when we left, even though it was their decision to stay.

With that done, I had nothing else to do, so I sat on the divan in the sitting room, gazing into space as I tried to think of ways to help Gabriel. I felt him before I saw his shadow leaning over me, and when I looked up to ask him what he was doing, I found myself caught up in a searing kiss before I could get the words out. I almost asked him what that was for because it didn’t feel like a run-of-the-mill kiss hello.

“When did you get back?”

“It’s been a while.” I started to ask if he’d heard his mother and I talking, but he didn’t seem upset, so I’m guessing not. Crap, I didn’t even think of how he’d react if she told him that I’d confronted her. I got distracted by my thoughts and only snapped out of it when he knelt in front of me with a jewelry box in his hands.

My heart started to race with excitement because I thought it was an engagement ring until he popped it open. Not too shabby! It was the diamond stud earrings he’d bought me. I sat still while he put them on me. “Nice, those stay in until I buy you a ring.”

“Your daughter would tear these out if I tried that. Besides, who’s walking around with four-carat diamonds while running around behind kids all day?”

“Hmm, as I was saying, these don’t come off. Consider them your engagement promise until I have a ring for you.”

“We’ll see.”



“You’re beautiful” I kinda sorta like this new Gabriel, but he’s so intense. I can’t help feeling like he'd been holding back before. Like this is a side of him that he’d kept hidden.

Now that I think about it, I was the one initiating intimacy between us more often than not back then. But it wasn’t just that. There’s an intensity, a hunger or need that shines in his eyes, that hadn’t been there before. And when he held my head in his hand and pulled me forward to reach his lips, with that intensity blaring at me, I thought I would faint.

He teased my lips with his tongue, then his teeth, nibbling along the corners of my mouth until I opened up and accepted his tongue. He was gentle when he tugged me to the edge of the divan, careful when he laid me back with my butt hanging off the side.

My breasts began to leak when he pushed his hand beneath my blouse and found my bra, expertly releasing the front clasp and letting my milk-filled mounds spring free. He left my lips and made his way down to my chest, licking and sucking my flesh until I wanted to scream.

One of his hands left my chest and made its way down to the button of my jeans, unsnapping it before tackling the zipper. I came soft and sweet as soon as he cupped my heat beneath his palm, and he smiled against my lips as I tasted my milk on his. I think Gabriel has some kind of fetish when it comes to my milky tits, but who am I to complain?


I’d come back to the room just as she’d put the last kid down for his nap, regretting the fact that I’d been so caught up that I’d missed it and hadn’t been here to help. I’d spent the time in the other room, giving her time to talk to Ma but also thinking about our future. Since this was all new to me and not part of my agenda, I had to look at things that I never had much interest in before.

I have moments of sheer joy when all I can think of is our future together and all the wonderful things I had to look forward to. And then my mind would switch to my unresolved issues. I was coming to the realization that it all came down to choice. And I choose them!


