The Man with the Knot – Forbidden Fun Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33633 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 168(@200wpm)___ 135(@250wpm)___ 112(@300wpm)

My eyes widen.

“You get bigger?” I whisper in awe.

“Yes, absolutely. All of us do. It’s how knots work. We’ll be locked in place, in fact, for a little while after sex.”

I stare again, a million thoughts swirling through my head. I don’t know what to think but at the same time, I do.

“I want to try,” I whisper.

Brax’s eyes deepen in color until they’re almost black. He takes my hand and strokes the palm softly.

“You will, Morgan. You will.”

A thrill runs through my curves because not only have I manifested a hot guy … but I’ve manifested a gorgeous man who will give me more pleasure than I ever anticipated.



As the night continues, full of soft music and idle chatter, I watch Morgan as she takes in my world.

She seemed nervous when we first arrived at the council meeting. Of course, I had a role to play in that, having led her to believe she was in terrible trouble. But I don’t feel bad about misleading her per se, because I wanted her to realize the gravity of her actions. Mirago can be dangerous, and it’s important to play by the rules. After all, what if something happened to her?

I inhale quietly to control my spiraling thoughts. Get a grip, Brax, the voice in my head growls. She’s safe. She’s fine. She’s with you.

I watch her now and relax a little, soothed by my admonition. The voice is right. So long as she’s with me, she’s safe.

Morgan continues to look around, her face slightly flushed. Her cheeks are pink and those big brown eyes take in everything. It takes me a second to read her expression but when it clicks, I grin.

She’s aroused, I realize with some amusement.

I glance around at my brothers, the men I grew up with and who’ve witnessed every success and folly I’ve ever experienced. Our sexual freedom and general comfort with the human body makes things like nudity a part of daily life. We do whatever the hell we want. It’s our island, and hence, our rules.

Now, however, I try to see my lifestyle through Morgan’s eyes.

Her face is stained with a pink blush as her eyes dart around the room, taking in the palpable sexual energy and flagrant nudity. Her gaze never rests on any one person for too long. She leans further into me, but she isn’t entirely relaxed. I feel her heart beating against the side of my body—pulsating a little too quickly.

“Are you alright?” I whisper into her ear.

Morgan nods, looking up at me. “This is all…”

“Strange for you,” I finish her thought.

She nods again, snuggling in closer. “Don’t get me wrong—a room of gorgeous naked men is every hot-blooded woman’s dream. I just...” Morgan shakes her head slowly.

“Tell me,” I encourage her, curious to know what my life might look like to an outsider. One who hasn’t been told about what to expect or trained to serve our every need.

Morgan sighs softly, a barely audible sound over the laughter and chatter surrounding us.

“It’s almost too much,” she admits. “That probably sounds a little silly, since I can admit that your friends are super-handsome. But I’m a one guy kind of woman. I’m not really into polyamory, or any kind of threesome arrangement. I don’t think…”

Ah, I muse, realization striking.

“No one is going to make you flirt or even talk to the other men if you don’t want to,” I explain carefully. “You’re safe with me.”

She nods.

“I’m not worried about anyone making me do anything,” she corrects my initial assumption. “I’m saying that…” She takes a deep breath. “I’m saying that yeah, they’re hot, but I think you’re the most attractive man here, and I like only you. I only want to be with you, Brax. I only want to feel your bulge, and not anyone else’s.”

Possession unfurls in my chest, hot and controlling. My hands circle her waist, grasping the narrow circumference in my big hands. Of course, I’m glad to hear the sentiment, but unsure if she understands just what her words are doing to me.

“Well,” I say slowly, “then perhaps we should get out of here, before you’re tempted to change your mind and talk to others.”

Morgan’s brow arches. “Oh? They summoned me but now I can leave of my own free will?”

I grin. “You can always leave, sweetheart. No one’s here who doesn’t want to be.”

Morgan reaches for my hand. “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to sound like I’m judging your life or community.”

I shake my head slowly. This council meeting is a lot for newbies, and I know there’s no way that Morgan can really understand what’s going on. She’s not part of this world.

And I’m not sure if I want her to be or not…

We need some alone time, time to talk through everything that’s happened, I decide.


