The Mob Princess’s Enemy (Mafia Ties #2) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Mafia Ties Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 52260 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 261(@200wpm)___ 209(@250wpm)___ 174(@300wpm)

“It’s family business, Ma.” The stress on my word making it clear which business I was referring to. Then, Carly took the love I felt for her and made it grow so big, I felt as though I would either burst or simply float away.

She took my mamma’s hands and said quietly, “I promise the haste is necessary, Mrs. DeLuca. But, I was hoping you would be willing to do me a favor. My mother passed away when I was very young. And honestly, this girly stuff is kind of lost on me. Would you help me? I don’t think I could get a wedding together in a year on my own, much less a few days. I would be so grateful.”

Mamma clasped a hand over her mouth and a few tears escaped her eyes. I understood they were tears of happiness, but fuck, I hated it when she or Carly cried.

“Please, none of this ‘Mrs. DeLuca’ stuff, call me Mamma”—she pulled Carly in for another hug—“I’d be honored to be a part of planning your wedding, dear girl.”

They beamed at each other, and then my mother threw me a look of dismissal and took Carly into the kitchen with her. I was tempted to follow, reluctant to let Carly out of my sight, but I loved the idea of the two of them getting close. So, I tamped down my desire and strolled over to the couches, plopping down next to my seventeen-year-old brother, Adam.

“She’s hot, bro,” he smirked. I slapped him on the back of the head. “Ouch! Harsh, dude.”

I ignored him and focused on my older brother, Christian, happy to see him. “It’s great to see you. How long are you in town?” Christian was twenty-five and a professor at Oxford, where he’d done his doctoral work English Literature. He was definitely the most . . . refined of our Italian riff raff. He’d lived there since he’d graduated from Harvard at twenty-one and we only got to see him a couple of times a year.

“I decided not to teach summer sessions this year, so I’m home for about a month”—he raised a speculative eyebrow at me—“It seems it was a lucky decision or I would have missed your wedding.”

Shrugging, I looked him straight in the eye when I answered, “Why delay the inevitable and give her the opportunity to second guess her decisions?”

Luca laughed and shook his head. “You’re such a fucking DeLuca. No patience.”

I smirked at him. “Talk to me when you’ve met the woman of your dreams, brother.”

He scoffed. “I’m twenty-fucking-years old, Bran. I’m not going to tie myself down for a long fucking time.”

“Amen!” Tristan and Gavin, nineteen-year-old twins, high-fived Luca. Stupid motherfuckers.

Just as I’d thought, my family adored Carly and when I took her home that night, she was practically floating on a happy cloud. I knew it was because she’d finally found a family, the one she’d longed for as a child, the one she should have had all along.

I took her to bed and did my best to further the goal of creating our own little family.

“Kitten, where do you want—” My voice broke off, ending in a ragged groan. Carly was bent over her desk, reaching for something, her pert little ass spectacularly displayed in a pair of worn jeans. My woman was hot as fuck and my cock heartily agreed. She stood and looked at me over her shoulder. “Bend over the desk again, kitten,” I commanded. “I want that tight little ass up high.”

Her eyes widened and sparked with heat, but glanced nervously at the door. “Now!” I growled. Once she’d obeyed, I slammed the door shut and flipped the lock. I stalked over to her and palmed her ass, squeezing the globes, then spanked one, then the other, and basked in the sound of her moans.

I was too far gone for anything but a hard fuck. Carly and my mother had jumped into wedding plans, and I’d had very little time with my girl since Sunday dinner with my family. They’d even recruited Anna, which had put me in the cross hairs of Nic’s own sexual frustration. I was doing my best to steer clear of him.

But, I was done with this bullshit. I needed to feel my kitten wrapped around my cock. It was a damn fucking good thing our wedding was on Sunday, only a few days away, or I would have been hauling her off to the courthouse and whisking her away for an epic fuckathon.

I slid my hands up her spine, one going to the back of her neck and pushing her down until her chest was almost flush with the desktop. Then I moved them around to cup her tits, treating them to a few plucks and twists of her nipples. Her ass wiggled against my erection and in the span of a few breaths, I had her pants unbuttoned, and along with her underwear, pulled down to her knees, one hand cupping her pussy.


