The Mountain Man’s Bride – Mount Bliss Read Online Mia Brody

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 22
Estimated words: 20031 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 100(@200wpm)___ 80(@250wpm)___ 67(@300wpm)

I don’t plan to let her go. I’m not sure how to convince this beautiful pixie to stay in my life just yet but I’ll find a way. I have to. I need her more than my next breath.

She murmurs something in her sleep, and I wish I could hear the words. I want to keep her with me forever. Maggie with her down-to-earth ways and her sweet smile. She belongs by my side.

She doesn’t strike me as the type of woman that would be impressed by an over-the-top gesture or a lot of money. She needs something different. Something that shows her she’s mine in every way.

Pushing from the bed so I can’t act on my impulse to wake her for a morning round, I move outside to chop more wood.

The cold weather is a welcome reprieve from the blistering warmth of the cabin. Apparently, my woman runs cold which means I have the generator going constantly and the fire always roaring. But I don’t mind since she enjoys cuddling with me in front of it.

The axe sticks in the final log and I move to heft it out. Leaning forward, I brace one foot on the log and grasp the axe with my other hand.

Something cold and wet hits my bare back and I spin around, expecting to find snow has fallen from the nearby tree branches. But footsteps in the melting snow tell a different story. Seems my pixie is being naughty again.

Just the thought has my cock growing hard. I’ve discovered that she enjoys all kinds of punishments, the same way I enjoy doling them out. She likes being a brat, and I like being the man that lays down the law.

I turn back to the wood, carefully gathering my own ammunition. When the second round of snowballs hits my back, I spin around and quickly return fire. I manage to pelt Maggie who’s wearing my black coat.

She laughs, the sound is musical and fills me with a sense of peace. I could get addicted to that one noise.

“I’ll get you for this,” I promise.

She ducks behind a tree. “You’ll have to catch me first.”

I take one step toward the tree, and she lets loose with a playful giggle, quickly darting to the next one.

I give chase, purposely letting her stay outside of my reach. I could overpower her easily and take her down. But I enjoy toying with her. I think she knows it too if the looks she throws over her shoulder are any indication.

When I finally capture her and pull us both into the snow, she squeals. “You’re shirtless. You’ll get frostbite.”

Pressing just enough of my weight down to pin her against the snow-packed ground, I capture her lips in a kiss and sweep my tongue inside mouth.

I wrap an arm around the back of her head, angling her so I can plunder her the way I’ve wanted to. Her taste is sweet and warm, like the hot chocolate she has with her breakfast.

When I pull back, she presses her fingertips to her bottom lip.

Ice that has nothing to do with the snow flows through my veins. “What’s wrong?”

“You kissed me.” She shoves at my shoulders.

“So what?” I don’t move even though I probably should. I need to figure out what’s happening here. “I’ve fucked you twenty times in the last week, touched my tongue to every part of your body, and you’re freaking out that I kissed you?”

“Don’t do it again. Fuck me every hour of the day but don’t kiss me, Crew.” There’s a note of hurt in her voice and she blinks back tears.

I put a hand on her cheek. Her skin is already getting chilled. I know I need to move her inside and get her warmed up again. But I have to understand this. I need to. “What’s the problem?”

She takes a deep breath and I watch the walls come up. Instantly, I know I’m not getting through them. Not yet. Maybe I can chisel through them soon but right now something is happening inside that pretty head of hers that she’s not willing to share with me.


We’re quiet on the short walk back to Crew’s cabin. I know I hurt him when I shut down but his kiss in the snow—it made me want things I can’t have with him. Things like happiness and a marriage and those three daughters.

The moment his lips touched mine I realized I’m in love with this growly mountain man. He makes me feel safe and gives me space to play and explore. When I’m with him, I can be myself. Just Maggie.

But this can’t work.

My grandfather is counting on me.

Seven hundred families that our business employs are counting on me.

It’s not the time to chase what I want.

When we’re back in the warmth of the cabin, I strip off the coat and hang it on the hook.


