The Perfect Deception (Shadows And Strings #2) Read Online KB Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark Tags Authors: Series: Shadows And Strings Series by KB Winters

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 44998 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 225(@200wpm)___ 180(@250wpm)___ 150(@300wpm)

I know I should answer her, but I don’t because my focus right now has to be on Olivia. She’s the reason this research exists, and it has to benefit her.

I stare at the message from Francesca, weighing my options.

To answer or not.

She deserves an answer.

Olivia has been the only woman in my life for so long that it’s difficult thinking about another person above or equal to her place in my life.

I don’t like feeling like this. It’s fucking unnerving. My productivity is highest when I don’t experience any emotions, whether it’s frustration about Olivia’s lack of progress or worry about Frankie’s feelings.

I need some space.

I set the phone back down on my desk with the face down so I’m not tempted to answer. I’ll make it up to Francesca later.

Or maybe this is just what I need to keep her off balance?

The thought isn’t as appealing as it should be, but it gives me just enough motivation to dive into work, keeping my focus until the first rays of sunlight creep through the windows.



“Okay. Let’s go over everything we know about the crime scenes and the victims.” Being back at work is just what I need after a long, sleepless night without Damien’s arms around me.

Whenever my personal life is in doubt, work is always here to comfort me, to provide me with a purpose and something to focus on other than feeling unwanted.

Or used.

I shake off that pathetic thought and bring my focus back to the empty room the chief’s gifted us. The room is small, barely bigger than an actual shoebox but it’s plenty for me and Jay to set up a command center.

The white board sits at one end of the room where I have photos of all the victims so far and what we know about them. The cork board on the other end of the room contains all the physical evidence that connects them. “So far we’ve got that they’re men and all locals of southern California.”

“That’s good, though. It means that our killer is very likely a local.” Not that it’s a big help since there are about five million males in the L.A. County but it is a good start. “Anything pan out yet with the anonymous groups?”

“Not yet,” Jay sighs. “It’s slow going on my own but now that you’re back, we can hit that lead a little harder.”

Guilt eats at me for leaving for three days in the middle of an active investigation, but even though he seems to have disappeared on me, Damien was right. I feel refreshed and reinvigorated, ready to hit the ground running. I also feel immense relief that no other bodies dropped while I was away. “Sorry. I just needed to get away and clear my head for a few days.”

“We’ve all been there,” Jay offers with a sympathetic smile. “After the thing with the cameras, I certainly don’t blame you. Now,” he says because that’s about as emotional as Jay ever gets before he turns back to work. “Our victims?”

I nod, happy to get back to work rather than think about the fact that maybe the getaway and living with Damien is me overstaying my welcome. He’s the one who made the offer, but he’s also the one who didn’t come home last night. “Our victims all attended different colleges or trade schools if they went. Don’t frequent the same bars and they don’t even live near one another.”

“Are you sure?” Jay’s brows dip the way they do when he’s deep in thought.

“Positive. I spoke to each institution myself to confirm. A few went right into the workforce, but even professional certifications required for those jobs showed no overlap.” It’s frustrating as hell and it seems impossible that these guys don’t overlap at all. “It’s almost as if they’re all going out of their way to not overlap. Wait,” I say absently and pick up a stack of papers. “Beaumont, victim three and Petrovic, number five, went to the same gym for about two months before Petrovic built the gym in his home.”

“Then we’ll comb through their financials to see if any memberships overlap—porn sites, online subscriptions, gaming services, and stuff like that. Should be easy since the younger generation live their entire lives online.”

I raise my eyebrow at Jay. “And you don’t have any of those memberships yourself?”

He grumbles, but there’s a hint of a smile. “I guess I do have a few subscriptions, but it’s not like I live online.”

I scoff at my grumpy partner. “Okay, then. I’ll go talk to the DA to subpoena the financials for our victims.”

Jay nods. “I have an appointment I have to keep and then I’ll hit up a few more support groups on the west side. I’ll bring dinner back unless Loverboy is going to surprise us with some fancy food?”


