The Run In – Imperfect Love Kindle World Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 40867 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)


“You have the new ad campaign.”


“The protein bars? The ads you had to have right away. They’re in your inbox.”

I was stunned. When had she done them? Trying to get my eyes to focus, I looked at the clock on my microwave. It was damn near one in the afternoon.

“Fuck!” I shouted. “I’m late. Thanks, Saylor.”

Hitting ‘End,’ I ran into my bathroom and to the shower, stripping my clothes off as I went. The cold water quickly woke me up while I soaped up and washed my hair.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I rushed back out to my phone and pulled up my brother’s number.

Me: Slept in. Might be five or ten minutes late!

He responded almost immediately.

Rich: Don’t rush. You’ve got time. We just got to the church and Kris is changing Maddie.

I smiled. My younger brother and his wife, Kris, had had a baby two months ago, and she was being baptized today. I was the godfather, and if I showed up late I’d never hear the end of it from my mother.

Me: Do I need to bring anything?

Rich: Yourself to the church is all we need.

Unable to keep from smiling again, I rushed into the bedroom and got dressed in the suit I had picked out weeks ago for this day. The last person I wanted to let down in this world was my brother. He’d been caught up in some bad shit not too long ago when he was in college. I’d vowed to always be there for him. When he’d met Kris, his life had really changed for the better. Love had been good to my kid brother. I’d never seen him so happy.

As I rushed out the door, I grabbed my cell and hit her number. I had some explaining to do.


* * *



Staring at my phone, I slowly shook my head and declined his call. I had stayed up damn near all night getting that ad done for him, and all he could respond with was, Thanks, Saylor.

“Ugh. What a jerk.”

I slipped on my running shoes and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I needed to feel the pavement under my feet and clear my head of these confusing thoughts.

Pulling up a playlist on my phone, I hit play and Ariana Grande’s “Bad Decisions” started. I rolled my eyes. I wanted to get Mason Quinn out of my mind, and all this song did was remind me of him. Against my better judgment, I kept the song playing and took off running.

New York City in the fall was amazing. So different from Seattle. I’d gotten used to running in the rain, so this was a breath of fresh of air. I was dreading the winter, though. There was nothing I liked about the cold.

You would if you had Mason to keep you warm.

Stopping, I put my hands on my knees, dragged in a deep breath, and pushed it out. Damn my thoughts!

“Well, look who it is.”

I lifted my head at the familiar voice and nearly fell back. Ron stood in front of me with a huge smile on his face. There was a brunette attached to his side, even as he looked up and down my body.

A mixture of anger and panic hit me. “What are you doing here?”

He held up his hand and frowned. “Don’t get your panties in a twist. The band’s in town playing a gig. I had no idea I’d see you in such a big city.”

My eyes wandered over to the girl.

“This is Pint.”

A questioning look moved across my face. “Pint?”

She laughed. “My father used to call me that and it kind of stuck. It’s a pleasure meeting you, Saylor.”

I was taken aback that she knew my name. She must have noticed my surprise because she said, “Ron told me everything that happened between the two of you.”

Swinging my gaze back to my ex, I lifted a brow. “Everything?”

He laughed. “Yes. I told her I got a bit obsessive and that some bad shit went down, but I’m fine now. Over you. Over us. Moved on.”

Wow. I wasn’t sure how true that was, but if it was the case, I was glad to hear it.

“Well, I’m glad to see you’ve moved on.”

“What about you? Have you found someone new?”

I stared him directly in the eyes. “I’m sorry, Ron; even if I had, I wouldn’t share that with you.”

He smiled weakly, and I saw a hint of regret in his gaze. Maybe he had changed and moved on.

“Not at all. Listen, we’re late, but it really was nice seeing you, Saylor.”

Pint reached her hand out for mine. “It was a pleasure.”

“Same here. Enjoy the beautiful weather.”

Ugh. I wanted to roll my eyes. What a cliché note to end on, but I was at a loss for anything else to say. My ex had just appeared before my eyes, seeming like a completely different person. Of course, I let my imagination run a little wild as I stood there and watched them walk away.


