The Sea-Ogre’s Eager Bride Read Online Ruby Dixon

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 76583 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 383(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

It’s incredible.

This time when she comes, there’s a rush of wetness from her cunt, and I greedily lap it up. “Beautiful,” I murmur as I tongue her. “Perfect.”

“No more,” she whimpers, bucking and trying to get away from me. “Too sensitive.”

I let her go, pleased with her orgasms. She rolls off of me, panting, and sprawls on her back on the bedding next to me. I reach down and take myself in hand and with two quick pumps to each cock, I come, spraying over my chest. My muscles tense and I hiss in pain as my leg clenches along with the rest of me.

“Ranan?” Vali sits up, alarmed.

“I’m fine,” I grit out. “Just…my bad leg. Flexed it.”

“You idiot,” she tells me, but her tone is affectionate. She sits up and gets some of the newly cleaned cloth and gently wipes down my stomach and cocks, and then cleans herself up. “No more of that until you’re feeling better.”

“Mmm.” It’s not an agreement. I’m going to taste her again, I decide. Tonight. Daily. I liked the taste of her. More than that, I liked her responses. I liked watching her lose control. I catch her hand as she tosses the fabric aside and search her face. “Did you like that?”

Gone is the awkward Vali from before. My wife chuckles and plants her hands on the sides of my face and gives me a smacking kiss. “You even have to ask?”

I manage a small grin even though my leg is throbbing and exhaustion is catching up with me. “I do.”

“I did like it. I’ve never done that before.” She smiles.

“Will you let me do it again?”

“Aye, I imagine I will.” Some of her shyness returns, and she wags a finger at me. “But not until you’re feeling better.”

We’ll see about that.




Itongue Vali’s cunt again that night. My wife isn’t nearly as shy the second time, and climbs onto my face eagerly. Now that I know what I’m doing, I’m able to bring her off quickly, and she grows far wetter and louder this time, which makes my pride bloat like a pufferfish. I love the taste of her, the soft heat of her skin, but most of all, I love the surprised little noises she makes, as if she didn’t realize her body could feel so good.

I love doing this for her.

I use my tongue on her three more times throughout the next day. Vali blushes now when she looks at me and she giggles frequently. She seems happy and relaxed, and I am relaxed, too. If it were not for my leg and the fact that I am bed-bound, I would think of this as a very happy period in my life.

At dinner, my wife hands me a bowl of fish stew. She makes it better than I ever have, and knows just how to spice it to bring the most out of the fish itself. If I must have it cooked, I prefer it this way. She fusses over my leg, changing the bandages and adjusting the pillow it rests upon, and then slides her hand up the inside of my thigh, a meaningful look on her face. “Can I take care of you?”

It’s clear what she means. My cocks stir at her request, but I shake my head.

She pouts. “Why not? I thought you liked my mouth.”

Oh, I do. “I enjoy it far too much,” I admit. “But right now I am enjoying your pleasure instead of my own.”

I can see why she kept offering to touch me, and why she said she got pleasure from it. Receiving pleasure feels like a gift, but there’s a different sort of heady delight in satisfying your partner and taking nothing for yourself. Of making it about them rather than both of you.

Vali raises an eyebrow at me, even as her hand steals up under the blanket to cup my half-erect cocks. “You do know we can both come, yes? It doesn’t have to be one or the other?”

“I know.” I grip the bowl tightly and reach down to stop her hand at the same time. “But I want to focus on you.”

“And I love that. I do. But I’ve noticed that you jerk off after going down on me, and I keep thinking that it’s something I could do for you. Something that would give me joy to do for you.” She casually flicks my hand away and then reaches under the blanket again to stroke my lower cock. “Have you ever thought about me sitting on your face while I play with your cocks? I could lie on your belly, turned around.”

I am thinking of it now. I am thinking about it, hard. “You have done this before?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know about it. We could try it, right? What’s the harm? Your leg won’t be affected.” And she strokes my cock, her enticing gaze on me.


