The Vicious Defender (Kingpin’s Property #5) Read Online Isabella Starling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Kingpin's Property Series by Isabella Starling

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 33804 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 169(@200wpm)___ 135(@250wpm)___ 113(@300wpm)

"That's not fair!" Tallulah argues.

"You're not in a position to argue, mija."

"Fine," Tallulah snaps, throwing her hands up. "Fine, Xavier will sleep in the guest house."

I grit my teeth together. She gave up too easily, but Heath is right.

The Scorpion cartel has been decimated, turned to blood and dust. I haven't even told Heath his childhood friend, Phoenix, is dead.

"Go to sleep, Tallulah," I say, never taking my eyes off Heath. "Your father and I have a lot to discuss."

"That can wait." Heath picks himself up. "You both sleep, then we reconvene tomorrow. And get those damn dogs out of my sight."

We sleep. At least, Tallulah does. She's exhausted, and she falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow. But I can't sleep. The guest house is luxurious and filled with expensive antiques. It's comfortable, but I can't forget what happened.

Xander's attack was a shock. It wasn't a warning, it wasn't a threat.

He just fucking started a war, and won the first battle.

And now, my men are all dead. There are no survivors. The only ones who got out besides Tallulah and me are Saul and the dogs. Even our driver and pilot were killed after they got us to the Palacio.

Xander doesn't care about casualties. He has no limits. I can't let him win. He must pay for his actions.

And yet, the idea of killing my own brother makes my heart hurt. What's left of it, anyway.

I toss and turn in bed, unable to find peace. The next day, when the sun is peeking out from behind the mountains, I make my way to the main house. It's time to speak with Heath.

"Xavier," he greets me. "How was your sleep?"

"Poor," I tell him honestly. "Can we get this over with?"

"Let's go to the dining room. Breakfast is being served."

We walk through the long hallways and into a large dining room with a table fit for fifty people. But the only ones sitting there are Heath's wife, Rain, and their younger daughter, Mathilda. The younger girl immediately tenses when I enter the room. She's always been afraid of me.

"Good morning," Rain greets us, getting up to kiss her husband on the cheek. All I get is a death glare. I'm not surprised.

"Morning, sunshine," Heath says. "Is Tallulah still asleep?"

Rain nods. "I checked on her. Those damn dogs are in the bed with her, and they destroyed a pillow. There's feathers everywhere."

I smirk, and she turns to me with a nasty look.

"Something funny?"

"It's pretty hilarious seeing you two interact," I say, sauntering over to a chair and filling my plate to the brim. Mathilda watches me quietly, and I ignore her. "I guess some things are meant to be. Like me and your daughter."

"That remains to be seen," Heath tells me. "For now, you're on my property, and you're at my mercy. Do as I say, and you might just survive."

"Why do you think Xander wants to kill me so badly?" I ask him, leaning back and popping a strawberry into my mouth. "It's because he's afraid, you know. Of the great Xavier."

"He's not afraid of you," Heath scoffs.

"Then he's a fool. I have connections, knowledge, and experience. And the only thing he has is an ego."

"We all have our downfalls," Rain comments. "Don't get too confident, Xavier."

"You'd know," I smirk. "I know the only reason Xander hasn't killed you yet is because you're family. Otherwise, he'd have disposed of you ages ago."

Rain's smile turns icy. "Watch it."

"Leave my mom alone," Mathilda pipes up, glaring at me.

"Mathilda, eat," Heath orders her.

"I'm not hungry," she argues, standing up.

"You will sit, eat, and shut up."

Mathilda hesitates, and finally, her shoulders slump. She sits back down and picks up a slice of toast, not eating it.

"You have no authority here," Heath reminds me. "Not anymore. So don't try to rile us up."

"Or what? You'll throw me out?"

"Yes," he confirms.

"So, are we going to talk about what's next, or not?"

"Of course. But first, you're going to tell me everything you know about Xander. Why is he suddenly after you?"

I sigh, pushing the plate away. My appetite is gone. I've never told this story to anyone, not even my wife. I'm sure as fuck not about to trust her father with the truth.

"That's none of your concern," I snap.

"Actually, it is. You see, you're putting my family in danger. That's why he attacked the Casa, isn't it? To kill you. And it nearly worked. Now, the Palacio is on his radar, and we're all in danger. Tell me why he's after you, or you'll have no place here."

I narrow my eyes at him. "You really want to do this? You want to know why I'm not afraid of dying? Because I know deserve it, believe me. There were times I wanted nothing more than to leave this Earth and join the others in Hell. And yet, here I am. Still breathing. So, I don't have anything to lose. But you? You have everything to lose."


