The Wrong Bride (Kings of Fury #1) Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Kings of Fury Series by Gena Showalter

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 95196 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 476(@200wpm)___ 381(@250wpm)___ 317(@300wpm)

I chose to misunderstand his words. “You heard him,” I told Buzz. “He’s changed his mind. Leave me behind and go.”

He jerked his gaze to Callen. A muscle ticked in his jaw as he nodded; at the same time, he put the final touches on the weapon. My stomach twisted harder, faster. What had he just given Buzz permission to do? And did he plan to kill the messenger or scare him off?

Though reluctant, Buzz clasped my wrist, firmly but gently pulling me toward the door. Ah. The nod now made sense. The bodyguard wasn’t allowed to touch the boss’s wife without permission. Good to know.

I wrenched free and lifted my chin. “Try to keep up.” I power walked, eager to get to my phone. I’d call Isobel and demand the story on Tavish. No way the greedy wench had blocked me again. Not with money on the line.

Leaving Buzz on the other side of the door, I sealed myself inside my room. No sign of Thora as I rushed to the nightstand and swiped up the cell to call Isobel. A frigid breeze brushed my nape, and I sucked in a breath. What the⁠—

Strong arms snaked around me. One hand slapped over my mouth, and the other pinned my arms. “Hello, beauty,” a low voice whispered in my ear. “So good to see you again. I admit I’ve been quite eager for this.”

Fear flooded me, paralyzing my limbs. How I hated fear, the open door to torment and doom, mistakes and regrets. Wait. His voice. I recognized it. Didn’t I?

“I verra much enjoy holding you.” He nuzzled his cheek against mine and chuckled softly. “You are a banquet of delights.”

Deep breath in. Out. Focus came. Fight! My fingers twisted, the paralysis evaporating. I launched into action–but got nowhere fast. My captor proved too strong, easily subduing my struggles.

“Don’t worry, darlin’,” he said, his amusement stronger. “I have no plans to harm you. I came to see if a switch was made, as arranged. Was it? Are you the indomitable Isobel or the clueless human she highjacked?”

He knew of the switch? I went still again, my fight ending.

“I’m releasin’ you now. If you scream, I’ll silence you. You’ll hurt, and I’ll be gone before your man gets here. Aye?”

I nodded emphatically, and I meant it. I had so many questions.

Slowly, he eased his grip. Then he stepped back, severing contact with me. Heart galloping, I spun to face him. My eyes widened. The hottie who’d pointed out my open zipper. I would recognize his mane of blond hair, hazel eyes, and chiseled features anywhere. Today he wore a white T-shirt and jeans, with the hems tucked into combat boots. Fresh bite marks marred his arm. Thora’s doing?

I. Will. Do. Murder! “If you dared harm my dog…”

His lips twitched at the corners. “You’ll what?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out.” Not murder, but something worse!

He waved toward the closet. “She’s in there, alive and well. But you’re no’ Isobel. She would’ve threatened to castrate me. You are the adorable brunette.” He performed a regal bow, as if I were royalty. “I am Tavish the Great, at your service.”

Tavish, the man who’d inspired such wrath in Callen. I gulped. “How did you sneak in here with guards stationed inside and out?” He must’ve had help.

“I have my ways.” The intruder smiled, revealing straight white teeth. “What have you heard about me?”

“Just your name. Of course, I then got to witness the reaction it caused.” My nerves sang louder and louder, really kicking up a fuss. Was I in danger? Was he a bad guy, as Callen believed, or a good one? Tavish was obviously well acquainted with Isobel; they’d discussed the soul-switch. But. Whatever he was, I’d mind my words. A betrayal could get me executed.

“Ah, yes. My name stirred up a fit of almost-rage, I’m sure. I’m not well-liked around here.” He spread his arms, all get a look at this. “Not by other males, anyway.”

“Or women you accost in their bedrooms.”

He waved a hand in dismissal. “I’m at a disadvantage. You are privy to my name, but I’m not privy to yours.”

“That’s a lie,” I retorted. “Clearly, you’re working with Isobel. What, did you scout for her that day outside the hotel, attempting to pick out a quote unquote adorable brunette?” So much for minding my words.

He flashed another smile. “I admit, I did herd you in her direction, hoping she’d choose you,” he said with a grin. “You were just so cute with your overstuffed suitcase, clomping along the sidewalks, gawking at the sights.”

I worked my jaw. “What can you tell me concerning the switch itself?” Self-perseverance forced me to add, “Not that I’m admitting there was any kind of switch.”

“Darlin’, I know everythin’. I’m the one who sold her the potion that made it possible.”


