The Wrong Bride (Kings of Fury #1) Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Kings of Fury Series by Gena Showalter

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 95196 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 476(@200wpm)___ 381(@250wpm)___ 317(@300wpm)

Comprehending I was the one who’d spoken vows to him, that he’d spoken vows to me…this changed everything.

Sorcha clocked my reaction and cooed, “Don’t think you get to keep him. Just be glad we texted your matchmaking momma pictures of your adventures, keeping her up to date on your romance with Tavish. She’s worried you’re about to throw away your career for a passing fancy, but I’ve almost got her convinced you’re living your best life.”

I ground my teeth. Hello, mole. “You are working with Tavish, even though he cut up your original body.”

“I am.” She stroked the hilt of the blade again. “But don’t worry. He’ll be suffering a tragic end soon enough.”

Was I supposed to suffer my own tragic end after we switched? Tension coiled around me, blocking every other emotion. Keep her talking. Think! “Does Gavina know you’re alive?” How could these two be related?

“Don’t be silly. You’ve met her. Do you truly believe she’s capable of keeping a secret?” Sorcha looked me over. Deciding where to strike?

I held out my hands to ward her off. “Why are you doing this? You don’t love Callen.” She couldn’t.

She took a step closer. “I birthed his only child, yet he refused to wed me. No matter who I’ve been, he’s never seen me. Never chosen me. He longed for only her. The fated one. No, I don’t love him. Not anymore. But I will have the life I’m due. While he’s lived in luxury, I’ve toiled, all but forgotten. That changes today. I will be queen, a mother to my daughter, and finally seize control of my life.”

Control? That’s what this was about? “So you’ll switch places with me and toss me in a grave with Isobel and Mackenzie.” I laughed without humor. “Callen will know you aren’t me. He still won’t want you, and he’ll never trust you. Not after you sent him those photos.”

“This has been your problem from the beginning,” she said, as if she felt sorry for me. “You’ve never seen the big picture. Soon, he’ll realize those pictures were doctored and come running, eager to apologize.”

Dang. Impressive move. “Let me guess. You’ll live the life of your dreams.”

“Exactly,” she answered, unrepentant. “I’ll help my adoring husband conquer our enemy, then I’ll conquer my adoring husband, and no one will ever again take what’s mine.”

This horrifying travesty of justice must be stopped! “You think Tavish hasn’t planned for your betrayal? Hasn’t expected it?”

“You’re suggesting I haven’t planned for his plans?” She glanced over her shoulder, as if she’d heard a noise. Hope fought through the sludge of fear. Did guards approach?

I listened, but heard nothing. “Your overblown confidence could get Callen killed.” He must be warned, he and his people saved from this madwoman. As I’d just discovered, ignorance was incredibly expensive. He may have locked me in a cell, but he was still my husband, and I didn’t want his life ruined or taken away. “Tavish seeks your death, too. Probably prefers to do the deed in front of Callen. Why wouldn’t he? You’ll have served your purpose and be of no more use to him.”

“I told you. I can handle Tavish.” She cast another glance over her shoulder. Expecting someone?

Wait, was she holding me here until Callen arrived so he would, what? See Elizabeth attack Isobel? Then Sorcha could make the final switch, and I, as Elizabeth again, would take the blame for it.

Adrenaline surged, and instinct bellowed, Fight! Don’t hesitate. I didn’t take time to think things through. I launched into action, leaping her way and throwing a punch. Contact!

Sorcha stumbled, blood leaking from the corner of her mouth. With a growl, she lunged at me and swung. By some miracle, I blocked, avoiding the ring’s spike. Would it inject the potion? A sedative? Both? All that mattered was taking her out. Despite the ache in my carved-up hand, I curled my fist and struck again.

We hurled at each other, punching, kicking and scratching. And yes, okay, I did my best not to damage my body too badly because I wanted it back. But my reluctance to leave a mark cost me. Sorcha landed more blows, sharp pains flaring and ebbing. Still, I avoided the ring.

If I overpowered her, I could escape and warn Callen. Prepare him. Would he believe me this time? Maybe she was right, and he would be filled with remorse and eager to please when he discovered the truth about those photos. Maybe my hurt had been leading me earlier, because I was pretty sure I could be won over with a good grovel.

“You shouldn’t have hit me,” she grated as we grappled. “I would’ve killed you quick.”

“You would’ve tried.”

She swiped at me, but I grabbed her wrist and wrenched the weapon from her grip. Before I could launch an attack, searing pain shot from my neck. She’d used my distraction to her advantage and finally pierced me with the ring’s spike.


