Trust The Devil Read Online Joanna Blake (The Devil’s Riders #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devil's Riders Series by Joanna Blake

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 251(@250wpm)___ 209(@300wpm)

He lifted his head and stared at her, his eyes dark with passion.

“You aren’t ready for me.”


“Trust me, sweetheart. Please?”


He shifted lower and pulled her panties down part of the way, putting his mouth where his fingers had been. His finger started moving faster but his mouth, oh God, his mouth started kissing her below. He kissed her plump little lips deeply, letting his tongue slip inside her and withdraw with an ever increasing tempo.


Sally was beside herself. She knew she was going to climax soon and it was going to be big. Nothing could stop the tidal wave now except… Oh!

Donnie chuckled and slowed his pace slightly, keeping her release at bay. He lifted his head and blew on her sensitive lips. Now he was just toying with her. Several more times he brought her to the edge and pulled back until she was thrashing on the bed.

Until she was begging.

Finally something changed. He shifted his position and started using his tongue on her clit now. His fingers slipped inside her again and again, opening her up and stroking her slick internal walls.

She felt her hips lift up as the world exploded. Her body arched off the bed completely as every muscle in her body tensed and then relaxed. She felt like she was floating back to the bed.

She opened her eyes.

She was floating.

Donnie was using his hands to gently lower her back to the bed. And then he was gone. She couldn't see much in the darkened room but she heard the tell tale sound of a zipper.

God bless him. He was taking his pants off.


He was on her in an instant, kissing, touching, pressing his hot hard body against her. And every inch of him was hard. All muscle and silky hot skin. Especially down there.

She moaned as she felt his enormous shaft pressing insistently at her belly. His shaft felt enormous. He was too big for her… but there was no going back now. Besides she wanted to feel him inside her, even if it hurt.

He nudged her thighs apart and guided the tip of his member to her opening, slick with her arousal. They both moaned as he pressed gently forward, edging his way inside her. She felt him stretching her wide, spreading her as he pushed himself inside her.

He was barely inside her but he felt so big… no wonder he'd taken so much time to prepare her.

"Sally… oh God…"

He was holding himself back. She could feel the trembling in his shoulders where he was braced above her. He was literally shaking from the effort of not plunging himself inside her again and again.

But that's exactly what she wanted him to do.

She let her hands slide down his back to his hips and then she pulled them towards her, urging him deeper inside her. With a moan, he gave in and drove forward, filling her completely. His bare chest pressed into hers and they both gasped at the contact. Then he was kissing her softly as he started to rotate his hips, lazily circling himself in and out of her.

It didn't hurt a bit. It felt… incredible.

Hot and sweet and dirty and good.

He kept up the slow and deep rhythm until Sally started to thrash underneath him. She was going to come again. Just like that.

He started moving faster.


She felt herself quickening again. She knew she was getting close. He was too judging from the way his shaft was pulsing inside her. She wanted to make him explode the way he had made her fly up off the bed. She wanted him to lose himself in her…

"I'm sorry- oh God Sally I can't-"

"Don't stop, Donnie! Please just-"

He froze above her and then started pistoning in and out of her at a frenzied pace. Her body felt like it was on fire, like she might burst into flames. Donnie wasn’t slowing down or stopping. He pumped into her again and again until she cried out and lifted her hips higher and higher. Shockwaves of pleasure tore through her, making her shake as Donnie poured himself into her, his member jerking as his essence filled her up completely.

He didn't stop until the last tremors of pleasure had faded away. Then he kissed her softly and rolled to her side, pulling her with him. He held her without speaking for a long time.

She felt… good. Really, really good.

She hadn't known it could be like this.

The before, the during, or the after.

Finally he stirred and rolled over.

“I guess we should get dressed.”

She nodded and he started pulling his clothes on. She stood and reached for her bra and panties. She looked up and he was watching her get dressed mournfully.

"I should just keep you in here. Hide your clothes."

She giggled and threw his shirt at him, sighing regretfully as he covered up his gorgeous chest and shoulders. He grinned and held out his hand.


