Two Times the Trouble Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Funny, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 86751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 434(@200wpm)___ 347(@250wpm)___ 289(@300wpm)

“Good.” The instructor effortlessly and gracefully rises from her seated position. “When you’re ready, come to standing at the top of your mat.”

After yanking the blocks out of my way, I kneel and then stand, eyeing my immediate neighbor to verify the directions.

“Inhale. Fingers stretching to the sky. Exhale. Fold forward. Touch your toes if you can. Good. Take a few breaths here. Let everything go.”

I do as instructed, but my toes are a distant dream. As out of reach as the clouds in the sky. Another glance to the side confirms my lack of flexibility. The woman next to me has her fingers wrapped around her toes, her body folded in half like a piece of paper. Show-off.

“Soften your knees. It’s okay if you don’t touch your toes. Just feel that good stretch in your hamstrings.” The instructor’s voice is closer now, and a moment later, her legs pass by my line of vision as she moves around the room.

Her words were apparently directed at me, and I lean further forward, trying again, unsuccessfully, to make contact.

“Just breathe. Relax your shoulders. Let your head hang freely.”

Once I give up the goal of reaching my toes, I notice that the stretch does feel good. I probably don’t devote enough time to stretching after my workouts.

“One more breath. A big exhale, then inhale, halfway up.”

The woman next to me rises into a position that’s basically where I’ve been stuck for the last minute.

“Exhale. Step or jump back into plank position.”

Great! This one I can do and do well. The instructor continues talking, detailing the proper alignment of various body parts, and I’m confident I nailed this one.

“Lower into Chaturanga. Inhale. Upward-facing dog.”

I take a quick look to my right to copy from my neighbor, because the hot teacher is no longer making sense.

“Exhale. Roll over your toes. Downward-facing dog. Good. Let’s settle in here for a bit.”

We’d been sitting still breathing for so long at the beginning of class, and now we’re making abrupt shifts into positions my body has never been in before. I have heard of a downward dog, though, and I again mimic my neighbor to make sure I’m doing it right.

The instructor wanders by, detailing more instructions for fine tuning the pose. She stops when she’s beside me. Her toenails, the part of her I can see the best in this position, are painted a glossy pale pink that reminds me of the inside of a shell I found on the beach yesterday.

“Do you have any past injuries, problem areas, or things that limit your range of movement?” she asks, her voice low now, just for me.

What kind of casual insult is that?


“Would it be okay if I touch you, to adjust you better into the pose?”

Would it be okay if she touches me? My cock has a quick answer for that question. Yoga class is about to become much more appealing.

“Go ahead.”

“Try and relax your shoulders,” she says just before her fingers make contact with my lower back. I’m bent over in a V-shape, my ass in the air, my hands at the top of the mat, my feet near the bottom. I realize now why most yoga clothing is snug, because my shirt is hanging down in my face, even after I tried to adjust it.

Her hands are on my shorts, not my bare back, but I’m enjoying the contact nonetheless. She gently presses my hips back and up.

“Shift your weight to your hips and legs. The goal is for your back to be long and straight. Bend your knees a bit. Try alternately bending and straightening your legs, one at a time. Eventually, you’ll work your heels toward the ground, but that will take some time.” She gives my lower back another steady push. “Feel the nice stretch in your back.”

Several parts of me are getting a good stretch. It’s actually satisfying, but becomes less so once the instructor releases me and moves on.

My mind tries to wander into a very dirty fantasy, but I keep it focused on getting the pose right. The woman is definitely attractive, but I can’t get involved with anyone right now, so it doesn’t matter.

Even if I could ask her out, aside from her looks, I’m sure she wouldn’t be my type. She’s probably a new-age woo-woo type who plays with crystals and believes in astrology. Even if her hands do feel good on my body, we probably couldn’t have a decent conversation with each other.



I’m going to have to work some neck and shoulder stretches into today’s class, otherwise some of these women are going to be sore from turning their heads so often to check out the male specimen among us.

I can’t blame them. He’s definitely nice to look at, aside from his perpetually sour expression.


